Human trafficking, also known as trafficking in persons, is a crime that involves the exploitation of a person for the purpose of compelled sex or labor.
There is no single profile of a trafficking victim.
Victims of human trafficking can be anyone.
Any person under the age of 18 who is engaged in commercial sex acts, regardless of the use of force, fraud, or coercion, is a victim of human trafficking, even if they appear to consent to the commercial sex act. Learn More.
From October 2022 through September 2023, 249 OVC human trafficking grantees provided services to 7,755 clients on average per quarter. Learn More.
Labor Trafficking
OVC is working to better identify labor trafficking victims in the United States, expand the services that are available to them, and hold offenders accountable. Access information about OVC funding opportunities, training and technical assistance, research, and resources that may support your organization’s anti-labor trafficking efforts.
Raise Awareness About Human Trafficking
View OVC’s Commemoration Guide to help your organization develop and carry out its anti-trafficking awareness campaigns.
Understanding Human Trafficking
The Understanding Human Trafficking training is a series of five interactive online modules that offer foundational learning on trauma-informed and victim-centered approaches to human trafficking.
OVC TTAC Human Trafficking Action Research Toolkit
This toolkit provides information, strategies, tools, and other resources to help organizations and programs collect and interpret data in order to enhance their work.
Important Resources
- Faces of Human Trafficking
- Human Trafficking Task Force e-Guide
- Human Trafficking Action Research Toolkit
- Federal Strategic Action Plan on Services for Victims of Human Trafficking
- Trafficking in Persons Annual Report
- Attorney General’s Annual Trafficking in Persons Report to Congress
Training and Technical Assistance
Find training and technical assistance supported by OVC and other federal government agencies on our Human Trafficking: Training page.