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Navigating the Roadmap: A Guide to Development and Operations for Multidisciplinary Anti-Human Trafficking Task Forces

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The Development and Operations Roadmap for Multidisciplinary Anti-Human Trafficking Task Forces (the  Roadmap) combines principles on the stages of group development with assessment metrics that are designed to assist interdisciplinary groups with achieving and assessing collaborative impact as teams.

The Roadmap—

  • provides anti-human trafficking task forces with a tool to identify needs and gaps in processes, collaboration, growth, performance, and progress toward requirements of grant funding (if applicable);  
  • reinforces that the development of a multidisciplinary task force is a process that requires time, attention, and intention; and  
  • equips task forces with resources that support capacity building and sustainability.  

This recorded webinar will help participants to—

  • classify four distinct areas of work in which task force efforts are grounded,  
  • describe the process of task force development through five stages,
  • communicate two practical ways in which they can use the Roadmap in their  jurisdiction, and 
  • identify two ways that conducting a task force self-assessment using the Roadmap can identify gaps and/or develop strategies for improving the collaborative functioning of a task force.

Target Audience: Law Enforcement Personnel, Prosecutors, Victim Service Providers, and Allied Stakeholders

Please consider having a copy of the Roadmap handy for your reference during this webinar. You can also see the Roadmap in the Handouts section in IACPlearn.

Date Created: February 2, 2022