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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Surviving Sexual Assault - It Takes A Village (Webinar)

Event Dates
Listening to the experiences of sexual assault survivors is an important step to fully understand how the criminal justice system plays a pivotal role in a survivor's journey to recovery from the mental and physical impact of sexual assault.

Detailed learning objectives:
1. Obtain a comprehensive view of how interactions within the criminal justice system can affect a survivor.
2. Explain the challenges presented to a survivor including emotional, physical, environmental, and those within the family unit.
3. Identify possible suggestions and opportunities to expand professional collection of witness communication and statements.

Funding for this Forensic Technology Center of Excellence event has been provided by the National Institute of Justice.

Name: Register online
Phone: 866-252-8415
Email: [email protected]

Date Created: December 12, 2019