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Sustaining Task Force Operations

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A recorded webinar for Enhanced Collaborative Model (ECM) human trafficking task forces with discussion on task force sustainability planning.

Target Audience: ECM Task Force Members

Overall Objective: To provide information on how to—

  • maintain successful operations through changes in task force leadership;
  • address challenges and strategize to overcome these obstacles to sustainability;
  • determine operational needs to identify relevant opportunities for alternative funding and resources; and
  • use tools and resources to develop and implement a task force sustainability plan.

Includes: A webinar featuring panelists—

  • Alissa Huntoon, Senior Policy Advisor, Bureau of Justice Assistance,
  • Summar Ghias, Human Trafficking Task Force Coordinator, STOP-IT, The Salvation Army, Cook County Human Trafficking Task Force,
  • Mary Anna Planey, Assistant State's Attorney, State's Attorney's Office, Cook County Human Trafficking Task Force,
  • Clara Anne Wagner, Health & Wellness Supervisor, International Rescue Committee, Central Arizona United to Stop Exploitation (CAUSE), and
  • Cari Jankowski, Project Manager, International Association of Chiefs of Police.

Date Created: February 3, 2022