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Building Agency Capacity: A Toolkit for Human Trafficking Investigations

Award Information

Award #
Funding Category
Competitive Discretionary
Congressional District
Funding First Awarded
Total funding (to date)

Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2021, $500,000)

The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) will develop the Building Agency Capacity: A Toolkit for Human Trafficking Investigations project, collaborating with four law enforcement agencies (LEAs) pilot sites to identify, develop, and build innovative TTA resources to address gaps in knowledge and training, strengthen programming, build capacity, solve problems, and model innovative approaches. The IACP will complete the following objectives: 1) develop and implement innovative and strategic approaches, tools, and resources to assist LEAs and 2) provide TTA to state, local, and/or tribal jurisdictions to assist LE to improve their ability to identify victims of HT and other related offenses and to investigate and prosecute such offenses. The toolkit will include: an agency self-assessment; policy and training guidelines containing promising practices; an action planning guide; and HT report checklists. This toolkit will guide LEAs to assess their agency capacity, create an action plan, and monitor progress over time. Design and delivery of TTA resources will leverage existing resources, prioritize innovation and interactivity, and promote evidence-based, trauma-informed, and victim-centered principles. A six step TTA process will be used: 1) Project Planning and Pilot Site Selection; 2) Toolkit Development; 3) Agency Self-Assessment, Action Planning, and Toolkit Implementation; 4) Follow-up and Customized TTA; 5) Resource Revisions and Launch to the Field; and 6) Final Report. Additional project activities include three educational webinars and one workshop presentation at a national LE leadership conference.

Date Created: November 10, 2021