Award Information
- Oahu Island
- Hawaii Island
Description of original award (Fiscal Year 2023, $950,000)
The Nacre Resiliency Project will proposes to build on accomplishments of the OVC FY 2021 grant to strengthen the continuum of care by providing trauma-informed, gender responsive and culturally relevant services to minor victims of sex and/or labor trafficking ages 11-17, with focus on two of Hawaii’s main islands: Oahu and Hawaii Island. Much like the resilient protective layer (nacre) that forms during initial stages of pearl creation, the Nacre Resilience Project will provide layers of support that build resilience through weekly 2–4-hour Starfish Mentoring. These services will include: 1) intensive individualized therapeutic care in tandem with onsite schooling; 2) Starfish Mentoring; 3) trafficking prevention to prevent revictimization; and 4) experiential programming to unlock the child’s ability to work through trauma, augmenting traditional trauma treatment. Over 36-months, Ho’ola Na Pua (HNP) will address gaps in services for this victimized population by accomplishing the following objectives by the end of each project period: 1) Match 25 minor victims of sex and/or labor trafficking ages 11-17 on Oahu and/or Hawaii Island with a trained and vetted mentor for 1-to-1 mentoring services through Starfish Mentoring. 2) Deliver 775 mentorship service hours on Oahu and/or Hawaii Island. 3) Connect minor trafficking victims with a survivor advocate through the Advocacy Program to continue pathways to healing. 4) Provide 35 minor victims of sex and/or labor trafficking with intensive residential therapy, onsite education and experiential programming through Pearl Haven. 5) 100% of Pearl Haven residential youth will enroll in onsite education at Pearl Haven. 6) 50% of Pearl Haven residential youth will receive A-B Honor Roll status in core subjects. 7) An average of 50% of Pearl Haven residential youth will improve trauma symptoms. 8) Pearl Haven residential youth will experience an average 32% improvement in depression. 9) Pearl Haven residential youth will experience a 20% improvement in anxiety. 10): 70% of Pearl Haven residential youth will indicate feelings of safety.
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