This program will provide continuation funding to eligible invited nonprofit organizations that propose to use technology creatively to interact directly with crime victims and provide information, referral, crisis assistance, and longer term help. This continuation funding is for the eight successful applications funded through the competitive FY 2014 Vision 21: Using Technology to Expand National and International Access to Victim Services solicitation, under the three following categories of victim service projects:
I. National scope initiatives for all crime victims, or specifically focusing on sexual violence, domestic violence (including stalking associated with domestic violence), and/or child and/or youth victimization;
II. National scope initiatives for underserved victims; and
III. Initiatives for American victims of domestic violence (including stalking associated with domestic violence) and/or sexual assault, abroad (including on cruise ships).
With their initial awards under cooperative agreement 2014-XV-BX-K002, the National Center for Victims of Crime (NCVC) is implementing VictimConnect, a national service which combines the traditional phone-based hotline with a web and online chat interface that provides comprehensive crime victim information, assistance, and referral services. In partnership with the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN), they are leveraging the use of the existing high quality technology platform in combination with the National Centers existing Connect Directory database of over 14,000 victim services providers. NCVC conducted a soft launch of the new VictimConnect helpline in August 2015 and officially launched the finished platform for the telephone and online services in April 2016.
With this FY 2016 continuation funding, NCVC will continue to provide high quality, victim-centered information and referral services to victims of crime nationwide, with a focus on underserved and underrepresented victim populations. Victim assistance specialists will continue to respond to calls, chats and texts from crime victims and their advocates. NCVC will also expand their issue-specific website resources, develop targeted advertising and outreach materials, grow their social media presence, and increase the connection between other national victim service helplines. Throughout all of this work, NCVC will ensure that program staff are guided by standards in the victim services field and have access to professional development and robust wellness and resiliency resources.