Deadline: 11:59 p.m. eastern time on Tuesday, June 22, 2021
JustGrants Application Deadline: 11:59 p.m. eastern time on Tuesday, July 6, 2021
The purpose of this program is to develop, expand, or strengthen victim service programs for minor victims of sex trafficking, whose victimization occurred when they were under the age of 18.
Organizations funded under this program will provide (directly and through partnerships) services that minor victims of sex trafficking often require to address their needs for safety, security, and healing. They will also be expected to integrate into their programming developmentally appropriate and evidence-based practices.
OVC anticipates making up to 8 awards of up to $1 million each for a 36-month period of performance, to begin on October 1, 2021.
Pre-Application Webinar
During a pre-application webinar on Friday, May 21, 2021, OVC staff reviewed solicitation requirements and conducted a question and answer session with interested potential applicants.
Number of Awards: 9
Total Amount Awarded: $8,042,806
CIRI's project to increase the availability of expert trauma informed wrap around services, with a focus on underserved geographies, unaccompanied minors, and improving current systems of care.
- State of Connecticut, with a Specific Focus on the High-Need Municipalities of Stamford, Norwalk, and Bridgeport
Cleveland Rape Crisis Center: Services for Minor Victims of Sex Trafficking in Cuyahoga and Ashtabula County, Ohio
- Ashtabula County
- Cuyahoga County
New Life Refuge Long Term Restorative Care Program Expansion
Safe Harbour’s Providing Assistance Towards Healing (PATH) Program
- Suffolk County
Services to minor victims of sex trafficking
The CAREs Clinic: A comprehensive medical home for minor victims of sex trafficking in the Nation’s Capital
VOALA Services for Minor Victims of Sex Trafficking Program
- Anaheim
We Rise: Expanding Services for Minor Victims of Sex Trafficking in Essex County, MA
- Essex County
Wellspring Living and Child Advocacy Center of Georgia Partner to Serve Minor Sex Trafficking Victims Across Georgia
Added “Appendix A: Types of Victim Services That OVC Funds” to the Solicitation
A chart was added to pages 14–15 of the solicitation and an incorrect reference to Appendix B was changed to Appendix A on page 5.