The project’s goals are to expand professional organization members’ knowledge and understanding of crime victim issues and what it means to be trauma-informed and trauma-sensitive, and encourage constituents who may come into contact with family members of homicide victims in their work to integrate this information into their daily practices.
Successful applicants will educate their members about the critical role they play in serving crime survivors, with the goal of providing increased access to crime victim compensation and assistance, especially to survivors in historically marginalized and underserved communities.
The selected applicants will disseminate victim service-related information and practices to their members and constituents, and potentially, to other allied professionals nationwide.
OVC expects to make up to three awards of up to $500,000 each for a 36-month period of performance to begin on October 1, 2023.
Pre-Application Webinar
During a pre-application webinar on May 4, 2023, OVC staff reviewed solicitation requirements and conducted a question-and-answer session with interested potential applicants.
Updated eligibility:
On page 2, eligible applicants now include small businesses.
Updated deadlines:
On pages 1 and 21, the deadlines stated for and JustGrants submission have been extended.
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