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OVC will make one award of up to $5 million to expand the Enhancing Law Enforcement Response to Victims (ELERV) strategy by improving police response to domestic violence and sexual assault with a special emphasis on minority and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) communities. The aim of the Initiative will be to integrate the ELERV strategy (www.iacp.org/Victim-Response) and the principles outlined in the Department of Justice guidance to Identifying and Preventing Gender Bias in Law Enforcement Response to Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence (www.justice.gov/opa/file/799366/download) to reduce gender bias in police response to these crimes. Applicants are urged to begin in advance of the June 20, 2016, deadline.
Number of Awards: 1
Total Amount Awarded: $5,000,000
National Law Enforcement Demonstration Initiative on Identifying and Preventing Gender Bias
Funding First Awarded
Date Created: May 4, 2016
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