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This solicitation will fund one organization to provide comprehensive training and technical assistance (TTA) to support state-level demonstration projects funded under OVC’s Linking Systems of Care for Children and Youth (LSC) Demonstration Initiative. The LSC approach seeks to ensure every child entering various systems is assessed for victimization; that children and their families are provided comprehensive and coordinated services to fully address their needs; and that practices and policies are established to sustain this approach long term. The TTA provider selected through this solicitation will actively engage with the four existing demonstration sites and will offer a wide range of TTA through varied delivery modes to support the demonstration sites through the planning, where applicable, and implementation of the initiative. OVC anticipates that it will make one award of up to $2 million for a 30-month period. Apply by July 5, 2018
Number of Awards: 1
Total Amount Awarded: $2,000,000
OVC FY 2018 Linking Systems of Care for Children and Youth Technical Assistance
Funding First Awarded
Date Created: June 5, 2018
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