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FY 2019 VOCA Assistance and Compensation Allocation Tables

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A Copy of an Email Sent on behalf of Kathrina S. Peterson, OVC Acting Deputy Director, on May 23, 2019

Dear VOCA Administrator:

The Office of Justice Programs (OJP) has released its Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Victim Compensation and Victim Assistance allocation tables, which are attached for your review. The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) will begin accepting applications for the VOCA Victim Assistance formula grant program on Thursday, May 23. The deadline for applications under this solicitation is Monday, July 8.

In an effort to streamline the application process for the VOCA Compensation and Victim Assistance programs, OVC is extending the deadline for the Compensation solicitation to Monday, July 8. All registrations and applications for the VOCA Victim Assistance and Compensation applications are due by 5:00 p.m., eastern time on Monday, July 8. These, and other OVC funding opportunities can be found on the OVC website at https://ovc.ncjrs.gov/Solicitation.aspx.

Please remember that all applicants must register in OJP’s Grants Management System (GMS) before submitting an application for any funding opportunity. Registration is required for all applicants, even those that have previously registered in GMS. For assistance in understanding how to register for your grant in GMS, please visit OJP’s GMS Computer-Based Training Module at www.ojp.gov/gmscbt. You can also contact the GMS Help Desk by phone at 888–549–9901 for additional support.

Special note for victim compensation programs: The State Certification Form must be submitted online, and it is available via GMS. A step-by-step instructional guide to completing the form is attached to this message.

Also attached to this message are files titled, Required Files for 2019 Victim Compensation and Required Files for 2019 Victim Assistance. These guides will be helpful as you gather and complete all of the required attachments.

If you have any questions or need additional assistance, please contact your OVC victim justice program specialist, or me.

Many thanks to all of you. We look forward to receiving your FY 2019 VOCA applications to help crime victims around the country.

Kathrina S. Peterson, J.D., LL.M
Acting Deputy Director State and Compensation Division
Attorney Advisor
Office for Victims of Crime
Phone: 202–305–1508
[email protected]


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Date Published: June 4, 2019