This is the 2020 Annual Report of the Human Trafficking Capacity Building Center (the Center), which covers its second year of activities as a coaching and development hub that assists organizations and tribes with 1) building their capacity to aid victims of all forms of human trafficking, 2) navigating the range of resources available to support their missions, and 3) strengthening human trafficking service networks.
The Center is funded by the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Justice Programs, Office for Victims of Crime (OVC). In 2020, the Center’s second year of operation, it entered a building phase that focused on building relationships with organizations, advocates, and tribes in target states and regions. Resources were housed in an internal Clearinghouse repository, and a Field Advisory Committee was created to offer a range of anti-trafficking expertise. Partnerships were developed with other training and technical assistance programs to minimize duplication and maximize federal investments in the anti-trafficking field. Remote service delivery and learning opportunities were provided for the field. In the context of the coronavirus pandemic, the Center transitioned its operation to a remote environment. Understanding the new challenges facing victim service providers and tribes during the pandemic, the Center delivered remote content to the field, offered virtual sessions in place of in-person events, and worked collaboratively with organizations and tribes to adjust coaching to their circumstances during the pandemic. The Center conducted proactive outreach to five target states and five tribal regions, 41 advocate organizations, 109 tribes and tribal victim center activities for service providers, 485 victim service providers, and 32 nationwide tribal contacts. A chart shows the Center’s activities for each month of the year.
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