KIRSTIN FLORES, DIRECTOR, OFFICE OF VICTIM SERVICES, ARIZONA ATTORNEY’S GENERAL OFFICE: All too often, victims are revictimized by the failures of the criminal justice system. By making services uniform, we can help ensure that victims are provided their rights, understand their rights, and are provided the opportunity to exercise their rights. The Agency Support Team was designed as a holistic approach to victims' rights. We have a State Victims' Rights Administrator for Training. We have a State Victims' Rights Administrator for Compliance and a State Victims' Rights Administrator for Funding. All three positions conduct audits.
COLLETTE CHAPMAN, STATE VICTIMS’ RIGHTS ADMINISTRATOR, COMPLIANCE, ARIZONA ATTORNEY’S GENERAL OFFICE: When agencies' policies and procedures align with statute, and then their daily practices match their policies and procedures, then victims can receive justice.
KIRSTIN FLORES: The Victims' Rights Advisory Committee was put in place several years ago to get people out of their silos, out of just thinking about law enforcement or just thinking about the courts, and seeing that it is a journey, that a victim has to go through all of these different phases in order to have justice done.
INSTRUCTOR: So this lawful rep is going to be afforded all of the rights that that victim would have exercised, received, gotten...
KIRSTIN FLORES: By educating our workforce and working with our stakeholders, we are having far-reaching effects on thousands of victims throughout the state as a result.
KENNESHA JACKSON, STATE VICTIMS’ RIGHTS ADMINISTRATOR, FUNDING, ARIZONA ATTORNEY’S GENERAL OFFICE: Our team has helped society be more just by including victims in the criminal justice system. We administer about a $3.2 million Victims' Rights Fund that is distributed to about 60 criminal justice agencies statewide.
KIRSTIN FLORES: I'm very proud to be able to lead such an action-oriented, motivated, excited team. This team is very passionate about victims' rights and really wants to pursue and promote justice and healing for victims in the State of Arizona.