Child health and welfare
Report on Project to Reduce Child Deaths Due to Abuse and Neglect
Report Highlights Efforts To Engage Communities To Address Child Abuse and Neglect
Report Focuses on Training Multidisciplinary Teams To Reduce Child Maltreatment and Fatality
Report Focuses on Parent and Community Organizing for Child Maltreatment Intervention and Prevention
Podcast Discusses Engaging Parents to Reduce Child Injuries and Fatalities
Mobile App Connects Individuals Impacted by Substance Use with Help
Funding Opportunity: OVC FY 2020 Addressing Female Genital Mutilation and Cutting
OVC is seeking applicants for OVC FY 2020 Addressing Female Genital Mutilation and Cutting (FGM) solicitation.
The goal of this program is to deliver programming to address and help stop the practice of FGM by—
- educating law enforcement, public health professionals, and educators on detecting at-risk girls in localities where FGM is a risk,
- responding to victims by providing appropriate services, and
- forming community networks...
The Vicarious Trauma Toolkit
The Vicarious Trauma Toolkit (VTT) was developed on the premise that exposure to the traumatic experiences of other people—known as vicarious trauma—is an inevitable occupational challenge for the fields of victim services, emergency medical services, fire services, law enforcement, and other allied professionals; however, organizations can mitigate the potentially negative effects of trauma exposure by becoming vicarious trauma-informed.
Linking Systems of Care for Children and Youth Guiding Principles
Zero Abuse Project
Real Talk - A Resource Guide for Educating Teens on Healthy Relationships
Linking Systems of Care for Children and Youth Project
This demonstration project is designed to reach underserved children, youth, and families in Illinois, Montana, Ohio, and Virginia who are victims of crime. The project seeks to provide immediate and long-range services for through collaboration and coordination of systems of care. It also seeks to inform victim service providers and other stakeholders of the most effective strategies and programs to address the needs of this...
A Longitudinal Examination of Teen Dating Violence From Adolescence to Young Adulthood
National Survey of Teen Relationships and Intimate Violence (STRiV)
Vision 21: Linking Systems of Care for Children and Youth Fact Sheet
Responding to Trauma Among Young Men of Color: Adapting the Crown Heights Approach For Your Community
A Healing Journey for Alaska Natives
Changing Minds
This national campaign seeks to raise awareness, teach skills, and inspire public action to address children's exposure to violence and trauma. Funded by the Office of Justice Justice and Delinquency Prevention, this campaign seeks to engage teachers, coaches, counselors, doctors, nurses, law enforcement officers, and other professionals and caregivers on proven ways to help heal the damage of childhood trauma.