Civil justice
Making Restitution Real: Five Case Studies on Improving Restitution Collection
General Tips for T Visas for Victims of Severe Form of Trafficking in Persons
VictimConnect Resource Center - Confidential referrals for crime victims
VictimConnect serves victims of any crime in the United States. Trained specialists are available to help you locate referrals for mental health counseling, financial compensation, legal services, and more. Call or text 855-484-2846 or chat online, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., eastern time.
The Civil Legal Needs of Victims of Crime in New York State: An Assessment of the Issues, Services, and Challenges in Meeting the Civil Legal Needs of Victims
Legal Services Corporation (LSC)
LSC is a private, non-profit corporation established by Congress in 1974. LSC makes grants to independent local programs across the country to provide civil legal services to Americans without considerable financial means. The Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000 granted the LSC the responsibility to extend program services to those eligible for T and U Visas.
National Crime Victim Bar Association
The National Crime Victim Bar Association educates attorneys, victim service providers, and the general public about civil legal remedies for crime victims. The National Crime Victim Bar Association also provides referrals for crime victims to civil attorneys in their local area.
Battered Women's Justice Project
The Battered Women's Justice Project offers training, technical assistance, and consultation on the most promising practices of the criminal and civil justice systems in addressing domestic violence.