Data analysis
Understanding the Violent Victimization Experiences of Young Men of Color
Who Are Underserved Victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault? Underrepresented Victim Populations and Barriers to Service Seeking
Enhancing Law Enforcement Response to Victims (ELERV) Strategy, Second Edition
American Indians and Crime: A BJS Statistical Profile, 1992-2002
Violence Against American Indian and Alaska Native Women and the Criminal Justice Response: What Is Known
Sex Offenses and Offenders: Analysis of Data on Rape and Sexual Assault
Violence by Intimates: Analysis of Data on Crimes by Current or Former Spouses, Boyfriends, and Girlfriends
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention: Statistical Briefing Book (SBB)
The SBB enables users to access statistics on juvenile victimization and youth involved in the juvenile justice system. The SBB provides timely and reliable statistical answers to the most frequently asked questions from policymakers, the media, and the general public. In addition, the data analysis and dissemination tools available through SBB give users quick and easy access to detailed statistics on a variety of juvenile justice topics.