Dating violence
Vision 21: Victim Services Mobile Applications
Intimate Partner Violence
Intimate partner violence, also known as domestic violence, family violence, and dating violence, occurs throughout the country every day. It impacts victims and witnesses physically, psychologically, and socially. Unlike most other crimes, domestic violence is usually not a sudden, isolated, and unexpected incident. It may involve years of emotional and psychological trauma, as well as physical injuries that may become increasingly more severe and...
A Longitudinal Examination of Teen Dating Violence From Adolescence to Young Adulthood
Exploratory Research on the Impact of the Growing Oil Industry in North Dakota and Montana on Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking: A Final Summary Overview
Center for Changing Our Campus Culture
The Center for Changing Our Campus Culture is a comprehensive online clearinghouse that provides important resources for colleges and universities on sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. The site—fully funded by the Office on Violence Against Women—includes the latest research; sample campus policies, protocols, and best practices; and information on how to access training opportunities and technical assistance.
Dating Violence Among Latino Adolescents (DAVILA) Study
Children's Exposure to Violence: A Comprehensive National Survey
Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month
Teen Dating Violence Prevention and Awareness Month is a national effort to raise awareness about abuse in teen and 20-something relationships and promote programs that prevent it during the month of February. This site provides access to resources to raise awareness during this annual commemoration.
This initiative promotes awareness of healthy dating relationships by making vital resources accessible to help teens experiencing dating violence and offering tips on preventing abusive relationships. The helpline provides 24/7 phone, text and chat services to victims of dating violence; service providers and allied professionals; and concerned parents, friends and other members of the community.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Dating Matters Initiative
Dating Matters is an initiative to help adolescents form healthy relationships to prevent dating abuse before it starts. This national effort is designed to motivate adolescents to challenge harmful beliefs about dating abuse and take steps to form respectful relationships.
Teen Dating Violence: A Literature Review and Annotated Bibliography
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)
U.S. Department of Justice: Office on Violence Against Women
The Office on Violence Against Women provides federal leadership to reduce violence against women and to administer justice for and strengthen services to all victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking.
Pathways to Safety International
Pathways to Safety International (formerly the Americans Overseas Domestic Violence Crisis Center) provides crisis services to victims crime outside the United States, including the crimes of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking.