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Lifting Up the Voices of Older Survivors
Training Helps Police Respond to Victims of Transnational Elder Fraud
An online 2-hour course is now available on-demand (registration is required). Learn more.
Register for the OVC-funded Responding to Transnational Elder Fraud - A Victim-Centered Approach for Law Enforcement virtual training.
This free, 1-day training course provides criminal justice practitioners in the United States with information to assist older victims of fraud perpetuated in multiple jurisdictions via phone or the Internet.
Responding to Transnational Elder Fraud
Fraud Alert: Scammers Claiming to be with the Office for Victims of Crime or Social Security Administration
OVC Directory of Crime Victim Services
National Elder Fraud Hotline
National Elder Fraud Hotline Microsite
Identity Theft and Fraud Victimization: What We Know about Identity Theft and Fraud Victims from Research- and Practice-Based Evidence
Law Enforcement-Based Victim Services - Template Package II: Protocols and Documentation
Federal Trade Commission:
New Federal Trade Commission Website Helps Victims to Report Fraud
Expanding Services To Reach Victims of Identity Theft and Financial Fraud
Online Elder Abuse Training for Legal Service Providers
Victim Assistance Training (VAT) Online
Financial and economic crimes cost American individuals and businesses billions of dollars every year, causing both financial and emotional distress.
Financial fraud occurs when someone uses deception or misrepresentation for financial gain. With ongoing technological breakthroughs and the globalization of commerce, today’s con artists have a new arsenal of weapons to use in defrauding consumers and stealing personal information.
The following resources provide information on fraud.
New Video Educates Consumers How to Identify Debt Scammers
National Elder Fraud Hotline
Fraud Alert: Scammers Claiming to be with OVC
The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) has received multiple reports that our office's name is being used as part of an imposter scam targeting individuals throughout the country.
OVC is not making these phone calls.
These scammers falsely represent themselves as OVC employees and attempt to obtain or confirm personal information from the call recipient, such as a social security number, or will ask...
Research Brief: Identity Theft and Fraud
Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection: Frauds and Scams
The Bureau Consumer Financial Protection works to protect consumers from unfair, deceptive, or abusive practices and take action against companies that break the law. This resource page provides guidance to help you prevent, recognize, and report scams and fraud.
VictimConnect Resource Center - Confidential referrals for crime victims
VictimConnect serves victims of any crime in the United States. Trained specialists are available to help you locate referrals for mental health counseling, financial compensation, legal services, and more. Call or text 855-484-2846 or chat online, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., eastern time.