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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.


Physical and Mental Health

Physical health issues can be painful reminders for crime victims. Victims may be seriously or permanently injured following a crime, and these injuries may prevent them from going to work or performing other day-to-day activities.

Victims of may suffer from mental health issues resulting from their victimization. Specifically, victims of a violent crime, such as assault and robbery, have reported feelings of distress, problems...

Homicide Victims/Co-Survivors

A homicide survivor or co-survivor is anyone who has been impacted by the death of a loved one by homicide. This includes a spouse, partner, children, siblings, and friends.

It is normal for adults and children to experience such intense feelings in the days and weeks following a homicide, and then periodically over time. Survivors are at risk of developing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and...