How Can We Best Educate Others About the Impact of Violence on Boys and Young Men of Color? Research and Recommendations for a Public Education Campaign
Best Practices for Training Frontline Violence Intervention Workers
How to Support Male Survivors of Violence: A 5-year Initiative
Reaching Out to Male Survivors of Violence
Tools for Changing the Narrative About Male Survivors of Violence
Supporting Male Survivors of Violence Initiative
Campus Climate Survey Validation Study (CCSVS) Final Technical Report
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey
The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey provides data on sexual assault, physical violence, and stalking by an intimate partner in the United States. The survey also includes the rates of health and mental health problems associated with victimization.
Teen Dating Violence: A Closer Look at Adolescent Romantic Relationships
American Bar Association (ABA): Commission on Domestic Violence
The Commission provides ABA policies, training materials, legal briefs, and sample legal forms relevant to domestic violence issues and proceedings. The site also includes information about upcoming events and training opportunities and links to other resources and organizations.
MaleSurvivor is committed to preventing, healing and eliminating all forms of sexual victimization of boys and men through treatment, research, education, advocacy and activism.