New York
Help in Your State: New York
Help in Your State: New York
View contact information for the New York Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
New York State Office of Victim Services
Phone: 800-247-8035
Victim Compensation Program
New York State Office of Victim Services
Phone: 800-247-8035
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, elder abuse, and child sexual abuse material offenses is...
Resources and Support for the Victims in Buffalo, New York
Resources and Support for the Victims in New York City
Compensation Protocol: A Guide to Responding to Mass Casualty Incidents
Providing Services to Victims Viewing a Trial at Multiple Locations
Antiterrorism and Emergency Assistance Program (AEAP) Brochure
New York
Access state-specific information, including events, and state VOCA formula funding program contacts.
OVC administers two Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) formula grant programs that support crime victim compensation and assistance—the cornerstone of support for victims throughout the Nation.
VOCA Victim Assistance formula grants support thousands of victim assistance programs throughout the Nation each year. States provide subgrants...
The Civil Legal Needs of Victims of Crime in New York State: An Assessment of the Issues, Services, and Challenges in Meeting the Civil Legal Needs of Victims
Responding to Trauma Among Young Men of Color: Adapting the Crown Heights Approach For Your Community
Screening for Human Trafficking: Guidelines for Administering the Trafficking Victim Identification Tool (TVIT)
Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in New York City, Volume One: The CSEC Population in New York City: Size, Characteristics, and Needs
Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in New York City, Volume Two: Formative Evaluation: The New York City Demonstration
Evaluation of the Demonstration Project To Address Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in Atlanta-Fulton County
World Trade Center Health Program
This program monitors, screens, treats and supports responders who responded to the disaster site at the World Trade Center in New York City and who may have been affected physically or mentally by their service. The site is designed to provide information related to all aspects of the World Trade Center Health Program, highlight new developments in the program as they occur, and help individuals...