Report on Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2023 and Indicator 2: Incidence of Nonfatal Victimization at School and Away From School
Introduction to Trauma-Informed Victim Advocacy
Report on Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2022 and Indicator 2: Incidence of Victimization at School and Away From School
Understanding the Violent Victimization Experiences of Young Men of Color
The Causes and Consequences of School Violence: A Review
School Crisis Response Initiative
U.S. Attorney General's Defending Childhood Initiative: Formative Evaluation of the Phase I Demonstration Program
This website, managed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, provides information about how to prevent and address bullying in schools.
National Crime Prevention Council: Cyberbullying
The National Crime Prevention Council, through funding from OVC, offers resources including fact sheets and four podcasts about general cyberbullying information, taking action in schools, creating community change, and how teens feel about cyberbullying.
Safe Online Surfing Internet Challenge
New Directions From the Field: Victims' Rights and Services for the 21st Century- Education Community
American College Health Association
ACHA is an advocate and leadership organization for college and university health. Its Campus Violence Task Force provides resources in support of prevention, intervention, and victim advocacy.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of America
The mission of Big Brothers Big Sisters is to help children reach their potential through professionally supported, one-to-one relationships with mentors who have a measurable impact on youth. The Big Brothers Big Sisters vision is to create successful mentoring relationships for all children who need and want them, contributing to brighter futures, better schools, and stronger communities for all.