Victim advocates
The Impact of 40 Years of VOCA: Conversations With the Field: Episode 1
Anti-Trafficking Alliance Conference
Charlotte, NC
Understanding the Trafficking of Children for the Purposes of Labor in the United States
Indicators of Sex Trafficking in Online Escort Ads, Final Report
Child Victims and Witnesses Support Materials
Child Victims and Witnesses Support Materials: Who's That? In Family and Dependency Court
Child Victims and Witnesses Support Materials: Who's That? In Criminal Court
Child Victims and Witnesses Support Materials: There's More to Me
Child Victims and Witnesses Support Materials: Who is Everybody? In Family or Dependency Court
Child Victims and Witnesses Support Materials: Who Is Everybody? In Criminal Court
Child Victims and Witnesses Support Materials: What Is Your Job? In Family or Dependency Court
Child Victims and Witnesses Support Materials: What is Your Job? In Criminal Court
Child Victims and Witnesses Support Materials: Brave Oscar
Privacy & Dignity: A Guide to Interacting With the Media
Repaying Debts
OVC Help Series for Crime Victims: Homicide
VOCA–Funded Elder Abuse Programs
The Vicarious Trauma Toolkit
The Vicarious Trauma Toolkit (VTT) was developed on the premise that exposure to the traumatic experiences of other people—known as vicarious trauma—is an inevitable occupational challenge for the fields of victim services, emergency medical services, fire services, law enforcement, and other allied professionals; however, organizations can mitigate the potentially negative effects of trauma exposure by becoming vicarious trauma-informed.
Rural Victim Assistance: A Victim/Witness Handbook for Rural Prosecutors
Use of Truth-Telling Devices in Sexual Assault Investigations
Office for Victims of Crime Training and Technical Assistance Center (OVC TTAC): Tribal Victim Assistance
Sexual Assault Medical Forensic Examination Research Forum: Summary of Research Questions Identified
Agency's Use of Technology Best Practices & Policies Toolkit
When using technology, both victim advocates and survivors need to consider safety, privacy, and security. This resource provides guidance for programs that provide services to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and human trafficking on best practices to help maintain the safety and security of crime victims and their personal information. The toolkit was produced by the National Network to End Domestic Violence's Safety...