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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Victim assistance directories

Submission Guidelines

Criteria for Inclusion in the Directory of Crime Victim Services

Each submission will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Core services: The primary task of the organization must be to provide direct services to victims of crime.
  • Stability: The organization must have provided crime victim services for a minimum of 12 months or be a new Victim of Crimes Act (VOCA) subgrantee. The listed...


The OVC Directory of Crime Victim Services (the Directory) is designed to help crime victims and service providers find nonemergency crime victim service agencies in the United States and abroad.

Many programs listed in the Directory receive funding through Victims of Crime Act (VOCA)-funded state assistance agencies and local service providers. We refer to these programs as VOCA subgrantees. VOCA subgrantees support direct services to crime victims...


This Crime Victimization Glossary is a compilation of terms and definitions provided in the Directory of Crime Victim Services.

The list of terms, its sources, and the links to more information are provided for ease of reference and should not be interpreted as comprehensive and exhaustive to the crime victims field, victimology, or criminology.

Unless otherwise noted – the source of these definitions is the...

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Before submitting your organization, search for it to see if it is already in Directory to avoid duplication.

If you find that your organization is not already included in our Directory, you may submit it for inclusion using the form below. Please only submit programs that provide direct services to victims of crime. Before making your submission, view our submission guidelines.

Refer to...


Search for crime victim services by location, services provided, agency name, and/or category using the tools and filtering options on this page.


Frequently Asked Questions

The "National" search option allows you to search for programs that provide services to every state. Use the "State" search filter to select the "National" search option.

If you are searching for a service or type of victimization or service...

Directory of Crime Victim Services

Since its launch in 2003, the Directory of Crime Victim Services (the Directory) has helped many crime victims and service providers find nonemergency crime victim service programs in the United States and abroad.

The Directory includes contact information for thousands of victim service providers.


The information provided in the Directory is the sole responsibility of the not-for-profit programs and public agencies that chose to...