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Victim services

OVC FY 2020 VOCA Victim Compensation Fellow

Closing Date

This program will support one fellow at OVC housed within the State Compensation and Assistance Division (SCAD). The individual awarded funding under this program will enhance the efforts of OVC to meet the needs of the crime victim services field by advising OVC on the development and oversight of programs for crime victims, specifically the VOCA Victim Compensation Program. The SCAD Fellow will work with...

OVC FY 2020 Specialized Human Trafficking Training and Technical Assistance for Services Providers Invitation to Apply

Closing Date
The overarching goal of this program is to enhance the victim service field's response to victims of human trafficking in the key areas of employment and education. The objectives are to improve the quality and quantity of employment and education services offered to trafficking survivors by increasing capacity of victim service providers nationwide through TTA; and to improve victim service providers' partnerships at the national...

Mobile Apps for Crime Victims and Providers

The following mobile applications (apps) provide information and resources about various types of victimization.

The inclusion of a mobile app on this page does not constitute an official endorsement, guarantee, or approval by OVC.

Before downloading any app, you may be interested in reviewing information from the Safety Net Project, a project of the National Network to End Domestic Violence.

OVC-Funded Apps

© National Alliance for Drug Endangered Children (see reuse policy).



OVC FY 2020 Mass Violence and Victimization Resource Center (MV Center) Invitation to Apply

Closing Date
Under the FY 2020 National Mass Violence Victimization Resource Center solicitation, Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) will maintain and build upon work and concepts developed under the FY 2017 award including continuing to partner with stakeholders to learn about best practices. Education, training, and resources will be further developed, implemented, and provided to the appropriate audiences. Technology initiatives include maintaining the website; deploying the...

Faces of Human Trafficking Video 5: Effective Victim Services

December 2015

This video includes information on the importance of providing victim-centered, trauma-informed services to meet the wide array of needs experienced by trafficking victims. Coordination and collaboration are critical in responding to the diverse population of trafficking survivors, as no one provider can meet all of the needs of all types of trafficking victims.

New Tools for the field


These 16 tools were developed specifically for the toolkit, and are intended to assist organizations in becoming vicarious trauma-informed.

Guidelines Series – These brief documents summarize existing research and actionable recommendations for becoming a vicarious trauma-informed organization.

What is the Crime Victims Fund?

March 2016

This 2-minute video describes the Crime Victims Fund, a major funding source for victim services throughout the Nation that is made up of fines, special assessments, and forfeited bail paid by people who are convicted of federal crimes in U.S. courts around the country. The video offers information about the various grant programs funded using VOCA dollars and OVC's collaboration with state administrators of victim compensation and assistance programs.

The Vicarious Trauma Toolkit: Tools For Law Enforcement

April 2017

The Vicarious Trauma Toolkit includes tools and resources tailored specifically to the fields of victim services, emergency medical services, fire services, law enforcement, and other allied professionals, to help organizations mitigate the potentially negative effects of vicarious trauma, the exposure to the traumatic experiences of other people. For more information, visit https://ovc.ojp.gov/program/vtt/introduction.

The Vicarious Trauma Toolkit: Tools For Fire Services

April 2017

The Vicarious Trauma Toolkit includes tools and resources tailored specifically to the fields of victim services, emergency medical services, fire services, law enforcement, and other allied professionals, to help organizations mitigate the potentially negative effects of vicarious trauma, the exposure to the traumatic experiences of other people. For more information, visit https://ovc.ojp.gov/program/vtt/introduction.

The Vicarious Trauma Toolkit: Tools For EMS

April 2017

The Vicarious Trauma Toolkit includes tools and resources tailored specifically to the fields of victim services, emergency medical services, fire services, law enforcement, and other allied professionals, to help organizations mitigate the potentially negative effects of vicarious trauma, the exposure to the traumatic experiences of other people.