Victims of juvenile offenders
Children's Exposure to Violence and the Intersection Between Delinquency and Victimization
Domestic Assaults by Juvenile Offenders
School-Based Programs to Reduce Bullying and Victimization
Voice of the Victim: A Perspectives Spotlight Issue
Unpacking the Influence of Neighborhood Context and Antisocial Propensity on Violent Victimization of Children and Adolescents in Chicago
National Institute of Justice: Teen Dating Violence
This section of the National Institute of Justice website provides research and other information on teen dating violence, including articles and publications.
Building off a long history of research in the area of intimate partner violence, the National Institute of Justice is now looking to relationships during adolescence to understand the factors that put individuals at risk for involvement in abusive romantic relationships as adults.
Statutory Rape Known to Law Enforcement
Effects of Neighborhood and Family Structure on Violent Victimization and Violent Delinquency
Crime and Victimization Among Hispanic Adolescents: A Multilevel Longitudinal Study of Acculturation and Segmented Assimilation
New Directions From the Field: Victims' Rights and Services for the 21st Century - Restitution
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention: Statistical Briefing Book (SBB)
The SBB enables users to access statistics on juvenile victimization and youth involved in the juvenile justice system. The SBB provides timely and reliable statistical answers to the most frequently asked questions from policymakers, the media, and the general public. In addition, the data analysis and dissemination tools available through SBB give users quick and easy access to detailed statistics on a variety of juvenile justice topics.