Bandera de Estados Unidos

Un sitio oficial del Gobierno de Estados Unidos, Departamento de Justicia.

American Indian & Alaska Native Victim Services Resources

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American Indians and Alaska Natives suffer from one of the highest rates of victimization in the country. Cultural differences, remote locations, and challenging jurisdictional issues make serving Tribal communities complex. The Violence Against American Indian and Alaska Native Women and Men: 2010 Findings From the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey report from the National Institute of Justice shows that 83 percent of adults in this population has experienced some form of violence in their lifetime.

OVC and the U.S. Department of Justice have long recognized the critical need to support American Indian and Alaska Native victims of crime.

OVC Support for Tribal Communities

OVC administers grants to enhance services for American Indian and Alaska Native crime victims and their families. View a flier and visit our Support for Tribal Communities page to learn about these programs.

Resources for Professionals

OVC provides publications, multimedia, and related resources to supplement the efforts of victim service providers and allied professionals to help victims. These resources include information about OVC Tribal initiatives, partnerships with other agencies and organizations, and dynamic videos to raise awareness of culturally sensitive, victim-centered programs.

Tribal Victim Services Training and Technical Assistance

OVC-funded Tribal Victim Services Training and Technical Assistance (T-VSTTA, pronounced t-vista) is a capacity-building program for American Indian and Alaska Native communities. T-VSTTA provides tailored, victim-centered, and trauma-informed training and technical assistance to grantees and potential grantees as they develop sustainable victim services programs.

Tribal Access Program

This program provides Tribal law enforcement agencies with access to national crime information systems. Under the Tribal Access Program, OVC funds provide kiosks, software, training, and more to Tribal nations to help protect crime victims.

Child Victims and Witnesses Support Materials: Native Children & Youth

New materials are available to support child victims and witnesses in Tribal communities as they navigate Tribal, state, and federal justice systems.

OVC Tribal Financial Management Center

The Center's services include support for American Indian and Alaska Native communities with the financial management and reporting requirements of their OVC award, individualized financial training and technical assistance, and financial needs assessments.

Tribal Resource Tool

Created with funding support from OVC, this searchable directory lists services available for American Indian and Alaska Native survivors of crime and abuse.

A Circle of Healing for Native Children Endangered by Drugs

This video series provides guidance and best practices for criminal justice personnel, victim advocates, and allied professionals who work with victims of sexual assault in American Indian and Alaska Native communities.

Alcohol-Facilitated Sexual Assault in Indian Country

This video series weaves Native stories and cultural practices from across the Nation to show many of the ways children, families, and communities are healing from drug endangerment.