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Trauma Informed Safety Planning for Criminal Justice Professionals

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When a survivor of a crime comes to victims services agencies, they often aren’t wholly sure of all the services or assistance they might need. But more often than not, they do know they want to feel safe again. Safety planning is one of the most crucial, yet least understood steps for victims to begin their healing process, because safety planning isn’t simply a 'check the box' activity. 

Real safety planning – the kind of safety planning that not only helps protect victims and survivors from further harm but also helps reduce future risk. Safety becomes a mindset: an ongoing, all-encompassing plan that will constantly need to be revisited as the victim’s life and needs evolve and change. 

Safety planning also involves a range of elements: keeping the victim and their children safe at home, school, and work; addressing their physical and emotional safety needs; and tackling the changing landscape of protecting the survivor’s identity and privacy on the internet and through technology. 

Conducting a trauma-informed safety plan is critical for the survivor’s safety, peace of mind, and ultimately their future recovery. 

This 7-hour, online course, taught by experts from the National Organization for Victim Assistance (NOVA), discusses the critical aspects of trauma-informed safety planning that can be applied in a variety of contexts, such as domestic violence or intimate partner violence, mental health crises, and even workplace or campus safety, ultimately creating a plan that is unique to the survivor and their circumstances. Additionally, this course also reflects on the importance of advocates and assistants examining and maintaining their own personal safety so that they, in turn, can keep their clients safe as well.

Date Created: January 10, 2024