National Association of VOCA Victim Assistance Administrators (NAVAA)
NAVAA's mission is to advance education, research, and public service to assure accessible quality services for crime victims nationwide, to strengthen exchange of information and communication among its members and to provide its members with training and technical assistance to effectively respond to the issues and challenges of supporting those services.
National Association of Crime Victim Compensation Boards (NACVCB)
NACVCB shares information and ideas through its network of victim compensation programs. Training and technical assistance activities and other resources focus on fiscal stability, outreach, communication, and advocacy.
VOCA-Funded Elder Abuse Programs
In 2016, the new VOCA Formula Victim Assistance Rule clarified and expanded states’ allowable uses of VOCA victim assistance funding. With this clarification, states were able to identify more ways to support all victims, including victims of elder abuse. Access this list of VOCA–funded elder abuse programs and the VOCA offices that funded them.