National Indian Child Welfare Association
The National Indian Child Welfare Association is a national organization focused specifically on the Tribal capacity to prevent child abuse and neglect.
The National Indian Child Welfare Association is a national organization focused specifically on the Tribal capacity to prevent child abuse and neglect.
The National Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center is devoted to achieving a better understanding of the impact of criminal victimization on adults, children, and their families.
The Childhood Violent Trauma Center works to—
Survivors of Incest Anonymous is a 12-step self-help recovery program for adult survivors of child sexual abuse. This organization offers free support groups for victims of incest or abuse by a teacher, coach, another child, clergy, or anyone that that betrayed the child’s trust.
This organization provides advocacy, public education, and resources for CASA and Guardian ad Litem programs across the country. The association also trains CASA and Guardian ad Litem volunteers, who work to find safe, permanent homes for abused and neglected children.
The Center provides fundraising, education, parental resources, clinical services, research, and advocacy efforts to end child abuse and neglect.
This website provides publications and other information designed to support the safe and trauma-informed interactions between survivors of domestic violence and their children, the courts, and other systems.
The Council's website offers information and links to assist victims, and witnesses to crimes on military installations. Resources include contact information for victim and witness assistance coordinators for the Coast Guard, Department of the Air Force, Department of the Army, Department of the Navy, Marine Corps, Office of the Secretary of Defense. Each branch of services has—
The Children's Defense Fund represents America's children, particularly low-income, minority, and disabled children. This organization seeks to educate the Nation regarding the needs of children and to encourage preventive investments in children.
The Child Welfare League of America serves abused and neglected children and their families. Services include child abuse prevention and treatment, youth programs, residential treatment, child daycare, and family preservation.
A service of the Children's Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Child Welfare Information Gateway promotes the safety, permanency, and well-being of children and families by connecting child welfare, adoption and related professionals as well as the general public to timely, essential information.
Childhelp® is dedicated to the treatment and prevention of child abuse. The website includes information on nationwide facilities, helpful links, Childhelp programs, the National Child Abuse Hotline (800–4–A–CHILD), and child abuse reports.
This nonprofit charity works to locate missing children for free and works to prevent child abduction. Child Find performs investigations, distributes photos, mediates, and disseminates information to the public.
CEOS works to combat incidences of child exploitation and trafficking of women and children. Issues under the CEOS umbrella include child pornography, illegal interstate or international transportation of women and children, international parental abduction, computer-related exploitation of children, and child victimization on federal and Indian lands.
The Society's mission is to ensure that everyone affected by child maltreatment receives the best possible professional response. Its website offers related publications and information on legislation and professional education.
The Alliance advocates for children, families, and communities and educates and trains human service leaders. This international nonprofit also delivers programs, information, and services to and through its membership of child- and family-serving organizations.
Adult Survivors of Child Abuse helps survivors of child abuse transform their self-identities from that of victim to that of survivor and, ultimately, thriver. The site includes resource materials and guidelines for establishing support networks.
The overarching goal of the National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health is to ensure that all survivors of domestic violence and their children who are experiencing abuse-related trauma and/or living with mental illness can access the services that they may need to enhance their safety and well-being.
This page provides information about Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention efforts to address missing and exploited children. It offers publications and resources to support victims and their families.