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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Targeted Training and Technical Assistance for VOCA Victim Assistance and Compensation Administrators

New Center Offers Support to VOCA Administrators

OVC Director Kristina Rose announces the launch of the OVC Center for VOCA Administrators to help build the capacity of VOCA Administrators to manage VOCA formula victim assistance and victim compensation funds.

OVC Center for VOCA Administrators Launch: Remarks From OVC Director Kristina Rose

September 2021

In this video, OVC Director Kristina Rose announces the launch of the OVC Center for VOCA Administrators. The Center provides technical support to strengthen the capacity of VOCA Administrators to administer VOCA formula victim assistance and victim compensation funds—the cornerstone of support for victims throughout the Nation. Visit the OVC Center for VOCA Administrators website.

FY 2021 VOCA Assistance and Compensation Solicitations and Allocation Charts

June 1, 2021

The Office of Justice Programs has released the FY 2021 VOCA Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation allocation charts:

OVC Formula Chart: 2021 Crime Victims Fund Allocation – Assistance

OVC Formula Chart: 2021 Crime Victims Fund Allocation – Compensation

Refer to these allocation charts when applying for the FY 2021 Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Assistance and Compensation formula solicitations. Applications for both solicitations are due by Monday...

Funding Opportunity: OVC FY 2020 Targeted Training and Technical Assistance for VOCA Victim Assistance and Compensation Administrators

OVC Funding Opportunity: Apply Now

Apply for the OVC FY 2020 Targeted Training and Technical Assistance for VOCA Victim Assistance and Compensation Administrators solicitation.

The goal of this project is to provide peer-to-peer training and support on federal grants management and administration for Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Victim Assistance and Compensation Administrators and VOCA victim assistance subgrantees.

The objective of this peer-to-peer training is to enhance support to VOCA...