Coordinated Strangulation Incident Response Training for Law Enforcement Officers and Emergency Medical Personnel Lesson Plan
Coordinated Strangulation Incident Response Training for Law Enforcement Officers and Emergency Medical Personnel
PEARR Tool Training and Implementation: Building Awareness of Violence and Human Trafficking in a Hospital System
Strategies and Training to Advance Greater Elder Safety (STAGES) Pilot Curriculum
Trauma Notification Training
Trauma Notification Training
Human Trafficking Task Force Protocol Development Training Video Series
Tribal Victim Services Training and Technical Assistance (T-VSTTA)
OVC-funded Tribal Victim Services Training and Technical Assistance (T-VSTTA, pronounced t-vista) is a capacity-building program for American Indian and Alaska Native communities. T-VSTTA provides tailored, victim-centered, and trauma-informed training and technical assistance to grantees and potential grantees as they develop sustainable victim services programs.
Now Available: Human Trafficking Task Force Protocol Development Training Video Series
Navigating OVC’s Resources: A Compass to OVC’s Funding and Training Opportunities
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Transforming Victim Services - Writing Your Semiannual Narrative
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Project TRUST E-Learning Curriculum Launched
Child Sex Trafficking: A Training Series for Frontline Officers
Effective Strategies to Investigate and Prosecute Labor Trafficking in the U.S.
New Board Member Orientation for Victim Service Organizations
OVC Center for VOCA Administrators Launch: Remarks From OVC Director Kristina Rose
In this video, OVC Director Kristina Rose announces the launch of the OVC Center for VOCA Administrators. The Center provides technical support to strengthen the capacity of VOCA Administrators to administer VOCA formula victim assistance and victim compensation funds—the cornerstone of support for victims throughout the Nation. Visit the OVC Center for VOCA Administrators website.
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Improving Community Preparedness to Assist Victims of Mass Violence or Domestic Terrorism: Training and Technical Assistance Program
This OVC-funded project provides training, technical assistance, and support to help communities augment their existing emergency response plans to ensure they effectively include immediate and long-term protocols and strategies to support victims of mass violence and domestic terrorism. Organizations can apply for no-cost assistance, watch on-demand trainings, and view resources on topics such as family/friends assistance center planning and donation management protocol.
Enhancing Law Enforcement Response to Victims (ELERV) Strategy, Second Edition
Best Practices for Training Frontline Violence Intervention Workers
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services: Drug Endangered Children Training Series
The Office of Community Oriented Policing Services at the U.S. Department of Justice, in partnership with the National Alliance For Drug Endangered Children, created a four-part training series to help professionals serve the needs of drug endangered children. The training covers: an overview of the issue, the long-term impact and needs of drug endangered children,prenatal substance exposure, and postnatal substance exposure.
Transforming Victims Services Reporting on Partnerships and Training and Technical Assistance Activities
This recorded webinar helps Office for Victims of Crime grantees develop a common understanding of performance management versus performance measures; provides information on question banks and shared measures; discusses reporting on partnerships, training, and technical assistance; and highlights how semiannual narrative responses can tell the story of your data.
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Transforming Victim Services Performance Management Collecting and Reporting Your Subgrantee Data
This recorded webinar provides information on both grantee and subgrantee responsibilities for Office for Victims of Crime performance measure reporting, describes collaborative activities for data collection with a subgrantee, and explain how to review subgrantee semiannual reports. View the webinar presentation.
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