Victim services
Providing Effective Services to Young Men and Boys of Color
Build Beyond Conference: A Clinical Framework for Human Trafficking
Indianapolis, IN
38th Annual Crime Victims' Issues Conference
Victims’ Rights Week Conference
Columbia, SC
Labor Trafficking of U.S. Minors
Suicide Prevention and Intervention for Victim Advocates: The EDC H.O.P.E. Curriculum Webinar
The Intersection of Intimate Partner Violence and Title IX
Understanding and Mitigating Trauma Responses
Meaningful Partnerships to Support Youth at the Intersections of Homelessness and Gender-Based Violence
OVC FY 2021 Services for Minor Victims of Labor Trafficking Pre-Application Webinar
OVC FY 2021 Services for Victims of Human Trafficking
The purpose of this program is to develop, expand, or strengthen victim service programs for victims of human trafficking. Applicants are invited to apply under three purpose areas.
- Purpose Area 1: Developing Capacity to Serve Human Trafficking Victims
- Purpose Area 2: Enhancing Scope of Services for Human Trafficking Victims
- Purpose Area 3: Specialized Services for Human Trafficking Victims
OVC FY 2021 Services for Minor Victims of Labor Trafficking
The purpose of this program is to develop, expand, or strengthen victim service programs for minor victims of labor trafficking, whose victimization occurred when they were under the age of 18. Organizations funded under this program will provide (directly and through partnerships) services that minor victims of labor trafficking often require to address their needs for safety, security, and healing.
OVC FY 2021 Housing Assistance Grants for Victims of Human Trafficking
The goal of this program is to provide safe, stable housing and appropriate services to victims of human trafficking.
The program will support—
- transitional housing, including funding for the operating expenses of a newly developed or existing transitional housing program; and
- short-term housing assistance, including rental or utilities payment assistance and assistance with related expenses.
Projects must also include support services designed to enable victims...