2019 Crime Victim Law Conference
Portland, OR
Portland, OR
Caldwell, ID
Tucson, AZ
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Akron, OH
Minneapolis, MN
Raleigh, NC
College Park, MD
Modesto, CA
Las Vegas, NV
Athens, TN
Vancouver, WA
Apply for the FY 2019 Law Enforcement-Based Victim Specialist Program solicitation.
This program will develop or enhance crime victim specialist programs within law enforcement agencies to better support victims through the criminal justice process including by connecting them with community-based direct victim services programs to more quickly and more effectively serve them.
Funding under this program will support an estimated 80 victim specialist grants to...
Apply for the Funding Opportunity: FY 2019 Tribal Victim Services Set-Aside Program. The Application Deadline has been extended until 11:59 p.m., eastern time, on Friday, August 16, 2019.
The overall goal of this program is to provide support to Tribal communities to improve services for victims of crime.
OVC is soliciting applications to support a comprehensive range of activities including—
OVC allocates more grant funding than any other federal agency to programs that provide direct services to victims of human trafficking.
As part of our commitment to ensuring services for all victims of human trafficking, OVC is pleased to announce the release of the FY 2019 Direct Services to Support Victims of Human Trafficking solicitation.
This solicitation will provide funding for direct services to victims...
OVC, in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Justice's Office of Tribal Justice, conducted four webinars in July to review solicitation requirements for the FY 2019 Tribal Victim Services Set-Aside Program.
Recordings and transcripts of these webinars, along with two webinars OVC held in June, are available on our Funding Webinar Series page.
Congress has set aside $167 million in Fiscal Year 2019 to...
Do you know an individual, organization, team, or program that you would like to see recognized for their work? If so, please submit nominations for the 2020 National Crime Victims' Service Awards by 11:59 p.m. eastern time on October 9, 2019.
These prestigious awards recognize extraordinary individuals, organizations, teams, and programs that demonstrate outstanding achievements in supporting victims and victim services.
New this year is...
The National Resource Center for Reaching Victims will fund up to 10 projects that serve victims from communities frequently underrepresented in healing services and avenues to justice.
The Reaching Victims of Crime Mini-Grant program will address unmet needs and close gaps that prevent survivors from accessing and benefiting from victim services. Projects funded by this program will better identify, engage, and serve survivors from underserved...
Law enforcement officers play a critical role in assisting victims of crime. In many cases, law enforcement officers are the only justice system personnel with whom victims of crime interact.
It is therefore vital that officers have tools and training so they can communicate information about victim compensation and other services to victims of...
Through an OVC cooperative agreement, the National Crime Victim Law Institute (NCVLI) is seeking applicants for the Victims’ Rights Enforcement Project solicitation also known as Rights In Systems Enforced Project (RISE Project).
The RISE Project is intended to provide crime victims with access to legal representation to assert and enforce their rights throughout criminal justice processes.
NCVLI anticipates funding sites that will increase awareness of...
The recently launched Tribal Resource Tool is a searchable directory of victim service programs for survivors of crime and abuse.
This tool offers information and referrals for American Indians and Alaska Natives throughout the country. Find services for all forms of victimization on and off reservation.
The National Center for Victims of Crime, National Congress of...