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Victim services

OVC FY 15 National Joint Training Conference for VOCA Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation Administrators Competitive Solicitation

Closing Date
One discretionary grant of $175,000 will be awarded to plan and administer the 2016 National Joint Training Conference for VOCA Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation Administrators, a 2.5-day conference that will provide training and technical assistance for Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) administrators, staff, and board members; and facilitate a forum for the presentation of state issues and practices. The conference will employ lectures, panels...

OVC FY 15 Vision 21: Tribal Victim Services Resource Mapping Project

Closing Date
OVC will make one award of up to $2,000,000 to improve access to services for American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) victims of crime by cataloguing existing comprehensive services. Through this project, OVC will support the creation of a user-friendly, state-of-the-art resource that empowers victims to seek comprehensive services; support victim service providers in their efforts to expand their outreach on behalf of victims to...

OVC FY 15 Services for Family Members of Victims of Kidnapping and Hostage Taking and Returned Hostages

Closing Date
One cooperative agreement of up to $200,000 will be awarded to an eligible applicant to identify the needs of families of overseas hostages, kidnapped victims, and returned hostages; and provide information and referral to available services, assistance, and emotional support as they navigate the complex issues that arise in the aftermath of the kidnapping or hostage-taking. Applicants must demonstrate an established capacity to operate on...

OVC FY 15 Language Access Training and Technical Assistance Program

Closing Date
OVC will make one award of up to $1,000,000 to a national-scope organization to enhance training, technical assistance, public awareness, and capacity building resources on language access for victim service providers and allied professionals. The objectives of this program are to improve access to services for victims who are deaf or hard-of-hearing, or who have limited English proficiency; increase victim service providers' and allied professionals'...

OVC FY 15 Victim Services Language Access Fellowship Program

Closing Date
OVC will make one award of up to $150,000 to an individual (organizations are not eligible to apply) with the desire, knowledge, and ability to successfully execute the development of a strategic initiative to ensure that all OVC-sponsored products, programs, and services are accessible to all victims; and who have prior experience with language access and victim services initiatives, especially for deaf, hard-of-hearing, and/or Limited...

OVC FY 15 Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) Toolkit 2.0 Competitive Solicitation

Closing Date
One cooperative agreement of $700,000 will be awarded to update the SART Toolkit: Resources for Sexual Assault Response Teams—an online resource for establishing, strengthening, and sustaining sexual assault response teams in a variety of settings—to ensure it contains the latest research, practices, and information to support sexual assault victims, particularly underserved populations. Eligible applicants are limited to organizations with a demonstrated history of longstanding, national-scale...

OVC FY 15 Vision 21: Victim Services Mobile Application Invitational Letter

Closing Date
The three grantees awarded under the OVC FY 2014 Vision 21 Victim Services Mobile Application will apply for their second and final year of funding, up to $250,000 each, to enhance public awareness, outreach, and education by continuing to market, refine, evaluate, and update three distinct mobile applications (apps)one with a national focus, another with a specific local jurisdictional focus, and the third with a...

OVC FY 15 Training and Technical Assistance on Comprehensive Legal Services for Human Trafficking Victims

Closing Date
Note to Applicants: OVC has revised this solicitation to expand the eligibility requirements (see "Eligibility", pg. 1) and eliminate the match requirement (see "Budget Information", page 7.) If you have questions about these changes, please call the point of contact listed on pg. 2 of the solicitation. OVC will make up to 2 awards of up to $500,000 to expand access to comprehensive legal services...

OVC FY 15 National Center for Missing and Exploited Children Victim Reunification Travel Program Invitational Letter

Closing Date
The Federal Crime Victim Assistance Fund (FCVAF) was established by the Office for Victims of Crime(OVC) under its authority to assist victims of federal crime. (This authority is found in the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA), Public Law 98-473, as amended, codified at 42 U.S.C. 10603 (c)(1)(B).) The FCVAF does not create a separate system of services for federal crime victims, but supports services of...

OVC FY 15 Linking Systems of Care for Children and Youth Invitational Letter

Closing Date
The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) launched its Vision 21: Linking Systems of Care Initiative in FY 2014 in response to recommendations from its Vision 21: Transforming Victim Services Final Report (Vision 21) and the final report released by the Attorney General's National Task Force on Children Exposed to Violence. Recommendations in both reports aim to improve youth outcomes by addressing the enduring issue...

OVC FY 15 2016 NCVRW Resource Guide Competitive Solicitation

Closing Date
OVC will award one cooperative agreement of up to $300,000 to conceptualize, develop, and produce a comprehensive kit that will serve as a resource for the victim services field to support efforts to heighten public awareness of crime victim issues nationwide during National Crime Victims’ Rights Week in April 2016, and throughout the year. Eligible applicants are nonprofit organizations, including tribal nonprofit organizations, faith and...