VOCA Victim Assistance Formula Grant Program
2024 VOCA National Joint Training Conference – Registration and New VOCA Administrator Open House
Release of the FY 2024 VOCA Victim Compensation and Victim Assistance Formula Solicitations
2024 Crime Victims Fund Compensation and Assistance Allocations
Victims of Crime Act Victim Compensation and Victim Assistance Formula Grant Programs
Message from the SVRD Division Director - iMPRoVE Project
Now Accepting VOCA Victim Compensation Certification Forms—Due December 29, 2023
FY 2023 VOCA Formula Solicitations - released!
April 6, 2023
Good Afternoon Administrators!
We are very excited to announce the release of the FY 2023 VOCA Victim Compensation and Victim Assistance Formula Solicitations! Thank you to State Victim Resource Division’s Joel Hall, Kerry Lupher, and Jalila Sebbata, and all of the other behind the scenes people like OVC’s Zoë French, Emily Bauernfeind, Lisa Ewing, and Albert Irion who helped publish, release and...
Spring 2023 Updates: VOCA Administrators’ Conference, Allocations, and Suitability Special Condition
March 23, 2023
Happy Spring, Everyone!
Greetings from Washington, D.C., where the State Victim Resource Division is eagerly awaiting the full bloom of the Cherry Blossom Trees and some warmer weather and sun.
We have some updates we want to share with everyone:
- VOCA Administrators’ Conference: We are very excited to see you in-person at the 2023 National Joint Training Conference for VOCA Victim...
2023 Crime Victims Fund Compensation and Assistance Allocations
Crime Victims Fund Compensation Allocations
From Crime Victims Fund (the Fund) deposits available for victim compensation grants, the Director shall make an annual grant from the Fund to an eligible crime victim compensation program of 75 percent of the amounts awarded during the preceding fiscal year (2 years prior to the grant year).
View the 2023 Compensation Allocations
Crime Victims Fund Assistance Allocations
From the...
Funding & Awards
OVC administers two Victims of Crime Act formula grant programs that support crime victim compensation and assistance—the cornerstone of support for victims throughout the Nation.
Additionally, OVC is charged by Congress with administering set-aside funds from the Crime Victims Fund for a Tribal Victim Services Set-Aside program which provide support to Tribal communities to enhance services for victims of crime.
OVC also administers discretionary grants...
2022 Crime Victims Fund Compensation and Assistance Allocations
Crime Victims Fund Compensation Allocations
From Crime Victims Fund (the Fund) deposits available for victim compensation grants, the Director shall make an annual grant from the Fund to an eligible crime victim compensation program of 75 percent of the amounts awarded during the preceding fiscal year (2 years prior to the grant year).
View the 2022 Compensation Allocations
Crime Victims Fund Assistance Allocations
From the...
FY 2022 VOCA Assistance and Compensation Solicitations and Allocation Charts Released
April 29, 2022
Apply for the FY 2022 Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Assistance and Compensation formula solicitations. Applications for both solicitations are due by Thursday, June 30, 2022.
Applicants should carefully review the eligibility information in these solicitations.
OVC FY 2022 VOCA Victim Assistance Formula Grant
OVC will award each eligible state and territory victim assistance program an annual grant to support eligible crime victim...
The OVC Center for VOCA Administrators
New Center Offers Support to VOCA Administrators
FY 2021 VOCA Assistance and Compensation Solicitations and Allocation Charts
June 1, 2021
The Office of Justice Programs has released the FY 2021 VOCA Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation allocation charts:
OVC Formula Chart: 2021 Crime Victims Fund Allocation – Assistance
OVC Formula Chart: 2021 Crime Victims Fund Allocation – Compensation
Refer to these allocation charts when applying for the FY 2021 Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Assistance and Compensation formula solicitations. Applications for both solicitations are due by Monday...
Office for Victims of Crime Grant Programs: Sexual Assault Victim Services FY 2019 Topical Snapshot
Office for Victims of Crime Grant Programs: Victim Services for Older Adults FY 2019 Topical Snapshot
Office for Victims of Crime Grant Programs: Victim Services for Children FY 2019 Topical Snapshot
OVC Help Series for Crime Victims: Impaired Driving
المساعدة لضحايا الجريمة
إذا شعرت في أي وقت أنك في خطر وشيك، نلتمس منك بشدة الاتصال برقم الطوارئ لقسم الشرطة المحلية (911).
إذا كنت ضحية لجريمة، فهناك الكثير من الموارد المتوفرة لمساعدتك على موقع مكتب ضحايا الجريمة OVC—
إيجاد برنامج محلي.
الاتصال بخط المُساعدة.
إيجاد برنامج التعويض المناسب لك.
استعلم عما يوجد من موارد إضافية.
أبحث عن برنامج محلي
استخ دم دليل خدمات ضحايا الجريمة على الانترنت لإيجاد...
- 查找当地计划.
- 拨打服务热线.
- 查找您的赔偿金计划.
- 了解其它有用资源.
利用 犯罪受害者服务在线目录 查找由非营利计划和公共机构所提供的非紧急犯罪受害者之本地服务。
犯罪受害者办公室提供一份全国犯罪受害者服务组织的 热线服务电话名单 ,包括“全国家庭暴力热线”和“灾难求救热线”。使用免费电话号码和网上热线的联系人列表,找到更多的信息或获得帮助。
全国各州都从犯罪受害者办公室接收联邦资助以支持当地的受害者援助和赔偿金计划。在您的近邻地区、州和/或地区内,有各种资源为犯罪受害个体提供服务。在我们网站的 美国资源地图 部份,可以找到有关您本地区的援助和赔偿金计划信息,点击您所在州,然后点击“赔偿金与援助”选项。
为帮助犯罪受害者,犯罪受害者办公室网站还提供下列了资源 —
- 国际受害者和在国外受害美国公民的有关资源。
另外,犯罪受害者办公室的小册子 《犯罪受害者须知》 重点列出了受害者的权利以及赔偿金和援助计划,还列出了那些可以帮助受害者寻找信息或获得推介的全国组织。
Ayuda para las víctimas de delitos
Si en algún momento usted siente un peligro inmediato, le instamos encarecidamente a que llame al teléfono de emergencia (911) para comunicarse con la policía local.
Si usted es víctima de un delito, el sitio web de la OVC cuenta con recursos para
- Busque un programa local.
- Comuníquese con un recurso telefónico de ayuda.
- Busque su programa de indemnización.
- Entérese de recursos adicionales.
...Bureau of Indian Affairs: Victim Assistance Program
This program offers direct services to victims including crisis intervention, referrals and information for mental and emotional health and other types of specialized responses, provide emergency services and transportation, and follow up for additional assistance.
District of Columbia
Access state-specific information, including events, and state VOCA formula funding program contacts.
OVC administers two Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) formula grant programs that support crime victim compensation and assistance—the cornerstone of support for victims throughout the Nation.
VOCA Victim Assistance formula grants support thousands of victim assistance programs throughout the Nation each year. States provide subgrants...