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Expired Funding Opportunities

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This page presents expired funding opportunities from OVC. Use the search filters below to find specific funding opportunities. Click on a funding opportunity title to see details about the solicitation and any resulting awards.

OVC FY 17 Vision 21: Building State Technology Capacity - Victim Compensation

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OVC expects to make an unspecified number of awards from $25,000 to $250,000, for an estimated total of $1,500,000 to Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Formula State Compensation Administrating Agencies only. This program is specifically for the improvement of data collection efforts to help increase the accuracy of administrative reporting through the OVC Performance Management Tool for VOCA Formula Victim Compensation programs that did not apply for similar funding for system upgrades through the OVC FY 2015 Vision 21: Building State Technology Capacity Competitive Solicitation.

OVC FY 17 Serving Crime Victims with Disabilities: A Seamless Approach from First Response to Healing

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The goal of this solicitation is to update and expand OVC’s resources to support crime victims with disabilities, particularly the following two resources: Victims with Disabilities: Collaborative, Multidisciplinary First Response DVD and Trainers Guide (published in 2009 and revised in 2011) and Victims with Disabilities: The Forensic Interview DVD and Trainer’s Guide (published 2007 and revised in 2011). Since these documents were first published, expansive work has been done on disabilities and the technology landscape of victimization has rapidly changed.

OVC FY 17 National Center for Missing and Exploited Children Victim Reunification Travel Program

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The Department of Justice has a cooperative agreement with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) to track children kidnapped by their non-custodial parent and taken across international borders and to assist the left-behind parents obtain lawful custody under the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of Child Abduction. To assist in this effort, OVC provides funding to NCMEC to assist left-behind parents with inadequate resources in traveling abroad to participate in Hague hearings and/or accompany their children back to the United States.

OVC FY 17 Specialized Services for Victims of Human Trafficking

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Awards of up to $600,000 will be made to enhance the quality and quantity of specialized services available to assist all victims of human trafficking, including services for underserved or unserved populations such as men and boys, American Indians and Alaska Natives, African Americans, Asian Americans, Latinos, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders, and individuals who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or questioning.

OVC FY 17 Enhanced Collaborative Model to Combat Human Trafficking Competitive Solicitation

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OVC and BJA will award between $600,000 and $900,000 to law enforcement agencies and victim service providers to work collaboratively to enhance multidisciplinary human trafficking task forces that combat sex and labor trafficking of foreign nationals and U.S. citizens of all sexes and ages. Eligible applicants are law enforcement agencies and victim service providers who submit separate but coordinated proposals that outline how the funding will be used to implement the human trafficking task force specified within the application.

OVC Transfer DCR- FY 17 Enhanced Collaborative Model To Combat Human Trafficking

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OVC and BJA will award between $600,000 and $900,000 to law enforcement agencies and victim service providers to work collaboratively to enhance multidisciplinary human trafficking task forces that combat sex and labor trafficking of foreign nationals and U.S. citizens of all sexes and ages. Eligible applicants are law enforcement agencies and victim service providers who submit separate but coordinated proposals that outline how the funding will be used to implement the human trafficking task force specified within the application.

OVC FY 17 Comprehensive Services for Victims of All Forms of Human Trafficking

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OVC will make up to 13 awards of up to $750,000 to enhance the quality and quantity of services available to assist victims of all forms of human trafficking by enhancing interagency collaboration and the coordinated community response to victims of human trafficking, and by providing high-quality services that address the individual needs of trafficking victims.

OVC FY 17 Improving Outcomes for Child and Youth Victims of Human Trafficking: A Jurisdiction-wide Approach

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OVC will make up to two awards of up to $1.5 million each for states or tribes to develop, enhance, and coordinate programs and activities geared toward improving outcomes for child and youth victims of sex and labor trafficking. Applicants must identify the state or tribe’s greatest barriers to identifying and assisting child and youth victims of sex and labor trafficking and/or to investigating and prosecuting these cases, and develop a jurisdiction-wide strategy to address these challenges.

OVC FY 16 Antiterrorism and Emergency Assistance Program (AEAP) for Crime Victim Compensation and Assistance

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The Antiterrorism and Emergency Assistance Program (AEAP) is a mechanism by which the Director of OVC may award supplemental crime victim compensation and assistance to respond to an act of terrorism or mass criminal violence. The criminal act has to be of sufficient magnitude that it overwhelms the affected jurisdiction's or program's ability to respond to the event. This is a restricted solicitation because the program is intended to respond to specific cases of terrorism and mass violence. Only after OVC has consulted with an eligible organization can an application be submitted.

Vision 21: Law Enforcement and the Communities They Serve: Supporting Collective Healing in the Wake of Harm

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OVC will make one award of up to $7 million to support law enforcement agencies, crime victims, and communities by developing, implementing and assessing evidence-based and trauma-informed law enforcement response strategies, protocols, and interventions which promote community engagement and healing prior to and in the wake of police-involved shootings and other high-profile incidents of violence.

OVC FY 12 Wraparound Victim Legal Assistance Network Demonstration Project

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OVC will fund up to six sites to develop collaborative models for comprehensive, wraparound, pro bono, legal assistance networks to meet the range of legal needs of crime victims. This is a 4-year project, with sites receiving up to $400,000 for the first 15-month phase, with the potential of continuation funding for 3 additional years.

Training and Technical Assistance on Comprehensive Legal Services for Human Trafficking Victims Invitation to Apply

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OVC will continue to fund 2 providers who will provide training and technical assistance to legal services providers on the range of legal services needs of human trafficking victims. The projects must address the comprehensive legal needs of trafficking victims, including, but not limited to: immigration, family law, employment law, victims' rights, civil actions, criminal restitution, and criminal records expungement/vacatur. The projects should be national in scope, capable of providing training and support to service providers throughout the US, including the territories.

OVC FY 16 Using Telemedicine Technology to Enhance Access to Sexual Assault Forensic Exams

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OVC will make awards under two purpose areas to develop or enhance statewide telemedicine programs to deliver expert Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner guidance and support to medical professionals conducting sexual assault forensic exams in state correctional facilities, institutions of higher education, and rural and tribal communities.

OVC FY 16 Child Victims and Witnesses Going to Court: A Package of Support Materials

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OVC will award one cooperative agreement of $1 million to develop a package of resource materials to support young victims and witnesses during their participation in the court process. The applicant, working with subject matter experts and partnering with a national stakeholder group, will develop materials that can readily be used by criminal justice personnel, advocates, and others that work with young victims and witnesses.

OVC FY 16 VOCA Victim Assistance

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OVC will award each eligible state victim assistance program an annual grant to support eligible crime victim assistance programs in that state or territory. Funds under this program shall be used by the states and territories to support eligible crime victim assistance programs that provide direct services to crime victims with the following exception: states may retain up to 5 percent of their total grant for administrative and training purposes. Those applying are urged to begin in advance of the July 11, 2016, deadline.

OVC FY 16 VOCA Victim Compensation

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OVC will award each eligible state victim compensation program an annual grant equal to 60 percent of what the state spent in state-funded benefits 2 years previously, other than amounts awarded for property damage. Funds under this program shall be used by the states and territories for awards of compensation benefits to crime victims, with the following exception: states may retain up to 5 percent of their total grant for administrative and training purposes. Those applying are urged to begin in advance of the July 11, 2016, deadline.

OVC FY 16 Vision 21: National Resource Centers for Victim Research, Evaluation, and Reaching Underserved Victims

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OVC will make awards under two purpose areas to establish two national resource centers to promote practices and strategies to increase the evidence base in the victims field and promote evidence-based knowledge and tools to address crime victim needs. The main goal of these centers is to ensure that survivors, providers, government leaders, and other members of the field have access to up-to-date information on best practices, policies, victim-related research, evaluation, and victim resources. Applicants are urged to begin in advance of the July 11, 2016, deadline.

OVC FY 16 Fellowship Program

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OVC seeks fellowship proposals that further the goals of Vision 21 by supporting OVC’s efforts to provide training, technical assistance, capacity building, assessment, or strategic planning.

OVC FY 16 Comprehensive Services for Victims of Human Trafficking Letter of Invitation

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The primary goal of this program is to continue to enhance the quality and quantity of services available to assist victims of all forms of human trafficking, as defined by the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) of 2000, as amended, by enhancing interagency collaboration and the coordinated community response to victims of human trafficking, and through the provision of high-quality services that address the individual needs of trafficking victims.

OVC FY16 Victim Assistance Professional Development Fellowship Program: Elder Abuse and Financial Exploitation Invitation to Apply

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An OVC Fellow placed in the Department of Justice Civil Division, Elder Justice Initiative, will continue to develop trainings for law enforcement, medical practitioners, and researchers regarding elder abuse and financial fraud. The Fellow will assist the Department in improving federal law enforcement responses to victims of elder abuse and financial fraud.