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Expired Funding Opportunities

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This page presents expired funding opportunities from OVC. Use the search filters below to find specific funding opportunities. Click on a funding opportunity title to see details about the solicitation and any resulting awards.

OVC FY 09 2010 NCVRW Resource Guide

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A competitive program that will award one cooperative agreement of $225,000 for either a private nonprofit organization or a public agency to produce a comprehensive resource kit. The kit will serve as a resource for the victims' field to use in supporting efforts to heighten the public's awareness of crime victim issues during National Crime Victims' Rights Week (NCVRW) in April 2010 and throughout the year.

OVC FY 09 National Day of Remembrance for Murder Victims

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OVC will make one award of $150,000 to fund the development of a national public awareness and educational forum focusing on the rights of and issues faced by survivors of homicide victims. The forum, which will coincide with the 2009 National Day of Remembrance for Murder Victims on September 25, 2009, should involve a broad base of victim constituency groups and focus on sharing knowledge and resources so that victims and survivors may be better served. Applicants are limited to private nonprofit organizations, including faith-based and community-based organizations, and public agencies.

OVC FY 08 National Field-Generated Training Technical Assistance and Demonstration Projects

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This grant opportunity offers awards of $50,000 to $500,000 to private nonprofit organizations or public agencies to support the development of national-scope training, technical assistance, and demonstration project initiatives. All initiatives must focus on improving the capacity of victim service providers and allied practitioners to advance rights and services to crime victims in a variety of areas, including child abuse, elder abuse, sexual assault, and stalking. All applications under "National Day of Remembrance for Murder Victims" are due February 21, 2008.

OVC FY 08 Enhancing Services and Public Awareness Outreach for Victims in Underserved Communities

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This program will grant 5 awards of up to $75,000 each to raise awareness among underserved populations regarding victims' rights and available resources for crime victims in the local community. Underserved victim populations may include, but are not limited to, victims who are immigrants with limited English proficiency, American Indian, have disabilities, are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing, or Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ) populations. A private nonprofit organization does not need to have 501(c)(3) status to apply for grant funding under this solicitation.

OVC FY 08 Post - Secondary Education: Integrating Crime Victims Issues Into University and College Curricula

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A competitive program that will award one grant of $300,000 to develop innovative, interdisciplinary education models (i.e., classroom, online, clinical) that address victimization issues and responses to crime victims and that can be integrated into university or college curricula and faculty development. Applicants must display knowledge and understanding of victimization, experience in augmenting university or college curricula by incorporating emerging education issues, and staff resources and capabilities to carry out all activities required by the funded project.

OVC FY 08 State Victim Assistance Academy Initative (New)

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This grant opportunity offers five first-year awards of $35,000 for the development and provision of comprehensive, academically based, fundamental education and training for victim assistance providers, victim advocates, criminal justice personnel, and allied professionals who routinely work with victims of crime. Grants could total $195,000 for this 3-year project.

OVC FY 08 Intensive Case Management for Family Members of Homicide Victims

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A competitive program that will grant two awards of up to $200,000 each to private nonprofit organizations or public agencies to identify and replicate promising practices related to the provision of a comprehensive array of services to family members of homicide victims. In the first 18-month phase of this project, funding will be used to enhance, evaluate, and institutionalize existing promising service interventions in partnership with other community agencies.

OVC FY 08 T&TA for Counseling & Faith-Based Services for Crime Victims in Indian Country Competitive Grant Program

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Fecha de cierre
A competitive program that will award one grant of $500,000 to support tribal, nonprofit, and faith-based organizations that have received funding under the FY 2008 Counseling and Faith-Based Services for Crime Victims in Indian Country grant program by providing comprehensive, culturally appropriate training and technical assistance to enhance the development and expansion of organizations' capabilities to provide counseling services to crime victims.

OVC FY 08 Counseling & Faith Based Services for Crime Victims in Indian Country Competitive Grant Program

Fecha de publicación
Fecha de cierre
A competitive program that will award one grant of $500,000 to support tribal, nonprofit, and faith-based organizations that have received funding under the FY 2008 Counseling and Faith-Based Services for Crime Victims in Indian Country grant program by providing comprehensive, culturally appropriate training and technical assistance to enhance the development and expansion of organizations' capabilities to provide counseling services to crime victims.

OVC FY 08 2009 NCVRW Resource Guide

Fecha de publicación
Fecha de cierre
A competitive program that will award one cooperative agreement of $225,000 for either a private nonprofit organization or a public agency to produce a comprehensive kit that will serve as a resource for the victims' field to support efforts to heighten the public's awareness of crime victim issues during National Crime Victims' Rights Week (NCVRW) in April 2009 and throughout the year.

OVC FY 08 Victim Assistance Fellowship Program

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A competitive program that will award three grants of $75,000-$125,000 to individuals to provide direct operational assistance to crime victim organizations and agencies; design and develop innovative initiatives; develop and deliver training programs; and assist with evaluation and capacity building efforts. Fellowships specifically address sexual assault, human trafficking, public awareness, field outreach, and victims' rights enforcement.

National Training Conference on Responding to Crime Victims with Disabilities

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Fecha de cierre
A competitive program that will award up to $550,000 to private nonprofit organization, college or university, or public agency whose mission focuses on crime victimization and/or disability issues, to develop and administer state-of-the-art, multidisciplinary training at a national conference to enhance practitioner responses to victims with disabilities to and further strategic partnerships at the local, state, and national level to enhance victims' access to the criminal justice system and needed services and support.

Multi-Disciplinary Responses to Crime Victims with Disabilities

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One cooperative agreement of up to $700,000 will be awarded to adapt and replicate an innovative multi-disciplinary response model to crime victims with disabilities in four state-wide or community-based pilot sites across the Nation that increases reporting of victimization and ensures that crime victims with disabilities receive comprehensive, quality services and are afforded fundamental rights, including access to the criminal justice system in the aftermath of criminal victimization.

FY2007 National Program to Directly Assist Victims of Identity Theft and Financial Fraud

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This grant opportunity offers up to four or more awards totaling $2,000,000 to provide support to or develop programs that provide assistance to victims of identity theft and financial fraud nationwide, to encourage expansion of existing services to reach this often underserved population, and to strengthen the ability of local law enforcement agencies and victim service providers to assist these victims.

OVC FY 2007 National Crime Victim Assistance Programs

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Fecha de cierre
OVC will award two grants of up to $600,000 each to provide support to programs that have developed a national capacity to deliver assistance to victims of crime nationwide and to strengthen the ability of local victim service providers, law enforcement agencies, and allied professional to serve victims.

OVC FY 07 Crime Victims' Rights Enforcement Project

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A competitive program that will grant ten awards of up to $200,000 each to clinics that provide legal counsel and support services for victims in criminal cases for the enforcement of crime victims' rights in federal, state, and tribal jurisdictions; or organizations that provide training and technical assistance to such clinics. Funding may be used to provide legal representation to victims of crime; technical assistance, training, and support to legal clinics that provide victim services; and education and training on the Crime Victims' Rights Act.

OVC FY 07 2008 NCVRW Resource Guide

Fecha de publicación
Fecha de cierre
A competitive program that will award one cooperative agreement of $210,000 for either a private nonprofit organization or a public agency to produce a comprehensive kit that will serve as a resource for the victims' field to support efforts to heighten the public's awareness of crime victim issues during National Crime Victims' Rights Week (NCVRW) in April 2008 and throughout the year.

OVC FY 07 Action Partnerships

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Fecha de cierre
A competitive program that will award up to $75,000 each to five national nonprofit organizations to help them promote partnerships in victim services. Programs proposed must advance victims' rights and services by forming partnerships among OVC, the victim services field, and national scope membership and professional organizations through training, public awareness, and educational efforts, and by promoting a collaborative response to victims of stalking, domestic and dating violence, and child abuse.

OVC FY 07 Public Awareness in Underserved Communities

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OVC will grant $350,000 for up to 7 awards, ranging from $25,000 to $50,000, to raise the awareness of underserved populations, particularly socially isolated immigrant communities, about victims' rights and how to access crime victim services. Favorable consideration will be given to applicants partnering with one or more ethnic community-based or faith-based organizations with close ties to the targeted audience. Note: Applications that focus on prevention will not receive strong consideration for funding.