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Un sitio oficial del Gobierno de Estados Unidos, Departamento de Justicia.

Expired Funding Opportunities

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This page presents expired funding opportunities from OVC. Use the search filters below to find specific funding opportunities. Click on a funding opportunity title to see details about the solicitation and any resulting awards.

OVC FY 2022 Building Capacity of National Crisis Hotlines

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The goal of this program is to enhance or expand the capacity of national victim service hotlines to provide crisis intervention support services using trauma-informed approaches that protect the safety and confidentiality of victims.

OVC FY 2022 Transforming America’s Response to Older Victims: Developing and Supporting Statewide Elder Justice Coalitions and Training and Technical Assistance Program

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Under this program, OVC will fund a program to develop or expand statewide Elder Justice Coalitions. The funded applicant will make and monitor subgrants to seven Coalitions, and support them, and other established coalitions across the United States, by providing national-scope technical assistance.

OVC FY 2022 Bridging Inequities – Legal Services and Victims’ Rights Enforcement for Underserved Communities

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OVC seeks applications for funding to increase access to legal assistance for victims of crime in underserved communities. This project will support a coordinating lead organization to competitively select approximately 20 legal fellows to be hosted by organizations across the Nation and located in underserved communities to provide civil legal services to victims of crime.

OVC FY 2022 Services for Minor Victims of Labor Trafficking

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The purpose of this program is to develop, expand, or strengthen victim service programs for minor victims of labor trafficking, whose victimization occurred when they were under age 18. Organizations funded under this program will provide (directly and through partnerships) services that minor victims of labor trafficking often require to address their needs for safety, security, and healing.

OVC FY 2022 Human Trafficking Training and Technical Assistance Program

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Through this solicitation, OVC will support the provision of training and technical assistance and the development of tools and resources to assist service providers and the anti-human trafficking field in ensuring successful outcomes for survivors of human trafficking.

OVC FY 2022 Alaska Native Crime Victims Center of Excellence Pilot Program

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OVC will support the development of an Alaska Native Crime Victims Center of Excellence Pilot Program (the Center). The Center will develop a multi-faceted approach to engaging with the 231 Federally Recognized Tribes throughout Alaska to identify gaps, promote best practices, and, using experience from the field, building an evidence base that is relevant for Alaska Native Tribes and the crime victims they serve.

OVC FY 2022 Responding to Transgender Victims of Crime

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OVC seeks applications for funding to develop a toolkit for serving transgender victims of crime. The goal of this project is to update and expand upon the previously released 2014 OVC guide, Responding to Transgender Victims of Sexual Assault.

OVC FY 2022 Housing Assistance Grants for Victims of Human Trafficking

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OVC seeks applications for funding to support housing assistance for victims of all forms of human trafficking throughout the United States. Rapid Rehousing—a type of housing assistance in which supportive services and transitional housing are provided to assist victims to move as quickly as possible into permanent housing and achieve stability—is the primary focus of this solicitation.

OVC FY 2022 Enhanced Collaborative Model Task Force to Combat Human Trafficking

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The purpose of this program is to develop, expand, or strengthen a multidisciplinary approach to fight human trafficking. This collaborative approach must include victim and social service providers, law enforcement and prosecution personnel, survivors, and a range of other governmental and non-governmental partners that work together to provide a diverse set of appropriate services for trafficking victims.

OVC FY 2022 Invited to Apply – Reducing Child Fatalities and Recurring Serious Injuries Caused by Crime Victimization

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This is a proposal to conduct an implementation study during the third year of the Child Fatalities demonstration initiative. In FY2019- OVC launched the demonstration initiative Reducing Child Fatalities and Recurring Child Injuries Caused by Crime Victimization. It is a demonstration initiative which requires a national evaluation. However, the previous leadership removed the funding for the national evaluator. The TA provider was able to secure foundation funding during years 1 and 2 to understand some lessons learned by the sites during the planning phase and early implementation.

OVC FY 2022 Project Beacon: Increasing Access to Services for Urban American Indian and Alaska Native Victims of Human Trafficking Program

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The overarching goal of this program is to increase the quantity and quality of victim-centered services available to assist American Indian and Alaska Native victims of human trafficking in urban areas. This will be accomplished by developing the capacity of urban Indian centers to meet victims’ needs by providing a comprehensive range of services either in-house or through referrals to a network of collaborative partners.

OVC FY 2022 Advancing the Use of Technology to Assist Victims of Crime

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OVC seeks to provide funding to organizations that demonstrate innovative strategies to create, expand, or enhance the use of technology to—

  • interact directly with crime victims,
  • improve the quality of services, and
  • improve the accessibility and responsiveness of victim service organizations.

OVC FY 2022 Safety, Support, and Services for Survivors of Sexual Abuse in Youth Detention

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OVC seeks applications for funding to support the development and enhancement of partnerships between juvenile detention centers or jails and community-based victim service providers, with the goal of increasing access to outside support services for incarcerated juvenile survivors of sexual abuse.

OVC FY 2022 Invited to Apply Virginia Beach - Antiterrorism and Emergency Assistance Program for Crime Victim Compensation and/or Assistance

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The Antiterrorism and Emergency Assistance Program (AEAP) is a mechanism by which the Director of OVC may award supplemental crime victim compensation and assistance to respond to an act of domestic terrorism or mass criminal violence. The criminal act has to be of sufficient magnitude that the jurisdiction cannot provide needed services to victims of the incident with existing resources and it places an undue financial hardship on the jurisdiction’s ability to respond to victims of other crimes in a timely and comprehensive manner.

OVC FY 2021 Invited to Apply Glendale AZ - Antiterrorism and Emergency Assistance Program for Crime Victim Compensation and/or Assistance

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The Antiterrorism and Emergency Assistance Program (AEAP) is a mechanism by which the Director of OVC may award supplemental crime victim compensation and assistance to respond to an act of domestic terrorism or mass criminal violence. The criminal act has to be of sufficient magnitude that the jurisdiction cannot provide needed services to victims of the incident with existing resources and it places an undue financial hardship on the jurisdiction’s ability to respond to victims of other crimes in a timely and comprehensive manner.

OVC FY 2021 National Center for Culturally Responsive Victim Services

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The program provides for the development, operation, and management of OVC’s National Center for Culturally Responsive Victim Services. The Center will facilitate the delivery of national-scale, high quality training and technical assistance to increase access to victim services and victim compensation for victims of crime in areas that have been historically underserved, marginalized, and adversely affected by inequality, including communities of color.

OVC FY 2021 Invited to Apply Santa Fe Texas - Antiterrorism and Emergency Assistance Program for Crime Victim Compensation and/or Assistance

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Fecha de cierre
The Antiterrorism and Emergency Assistance Program (AEAP) is a mechanism by which the Director of OVC may award supplemental crime victim compensation and assistance to respond to an act of domestic terrorism or mass criminal violence. The criminal act has to be of sufficient magnitude that the jurisdiction cannot provide needed services to victims of the incident with existing resources and it places an undue financial hardship on the jurisdiction’s ability to respond to victims of other crimes in a timely and comprehensive manner.

OVC FY 2021 VOCA Victim Compensation Fellow

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The individual awarded funding under this program will work collaboratively with OVC and the crime victim services field to improve support and resources for state victim compensation programs.