VOCA Victim Assistance Formula Grant Program
OVC Support to States
State Support Map
Select a state or territory on the map below to learn more about that state's efforts working with OVC.
Policy change to VOCA Assistance Guidelines with regard to allowability of indirect costs to conform to 2 C.F.R. Part 200
Clarification of Allowable Costs for Victim Assistance Programs
OVC anticipates that it will upload the final VOCA formula victim assistance rule during the first week of July. It will become effective 30 days after publication in the Federal Register. In the interim, OVC is sending this communication to VOCA Administrators to again clarify what is allowable under the current guidelines for transitional housing and legal assistance.
Regarding legal assistance, victim assistance programs can...
Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Formula Victim Assistance Rule
The Use of VOCA Victim Assistance Program Funds for APS Intake Workers
In all states, some form of adult protective services (APS) exists to receive reports of elder abuse. Some states utilize a statewide hotline for receiving reports of elder abuse (intake), while other states maintain a system of local level intake. Intake is conducted, among other things, to determine whether victim services should be the only referral or whether a more system-delivered response is indicated (i.e...
VOCA–Funded Elder Abuse Programs
Funding Opportunity: FY 2018 Discretionary Training and Technical Assistance Program for VOCA Victim Assistance Grantees
Apply for the FY 2018 Discretionary Training and Technical Assistance Program for VOCA Victim Assistance Grantees solicitation. The purpose of this solicitation is to fund VOCA Victim Assistance Program state administering agencies (SAAs) or outside organizations who partner with existing SAAs to provide training within the applicant’s state.
Activities funded through this program may include, but are not limited to—
- the establishment or enhancement of...
Read Updated Answers to VOCA Formula Victim Assistance Rule Frequently Asked Questions
February 2020 VOCApedia Update
Formula Grants
OVC administers two Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) formula grant programs that support crime victim compensation and assistance—the cornerstone of support for victims throughout the Nation.
2020 Crime Victims Fund Compensation and Assistance Allocations
View the 2020 Crime Victims Fund compensation allocations and the 2020 Crime Victims Fund assistance allocations.
Crime Victims Fund Compensation Allocations
From Crime Victims Fund (the Fund) deposits available for victim compensation grants, the Director shall make an annual grant from the Fund to an eligible crime victim compensation program of 60 percent of the amounts awarded during the preceding fiscal year (2 years...
2021 Crime Victims Fund Compensation and Assistance Allocations
View the 2021 Crime Victims Fund compensation allocations and the 2021 Crime Victims Fund assistance allocations that have been calculated pursuant to the VOCA Fix to Sustain the Crime Victims Fund Act of 2021, which became effective on Wednesday, July 21, 2021.
Crime Victims Fund Compensation Allocations
From Crime Victims Fund (the Fund) deposits available for victim compensation grants, the Director shall make an...
Crime Victims Fund
Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Administrators
This site provides State Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Administrators with news, answers to frequently asked questions, documents, and other resources to help them successfully manage VOCA formula assistance and compensation awards.
Funding Opportunity: FY 2019 Discretionary Training and Technical Assistance Program for VOCA Victim Assistance Grantees
Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Administrators
This resource provides information and guidance to help improve the management of VOCA funds. This section of the OVC website features the latest news for VOCA Administrators, along with answers to frequently asked questions, documents, and other resources to help successfully manage VOCA formula assistance and compensation awards.