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Expired Funding Opportunities

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This page presents expired funding opportunities from OVC. Use the search filters below to find specific funding opportunities. Click on a funding opportunity title to see details about the solicitation and any resulting awards.

OVC FY 2018 Enhanced Collaborative Model Task Force to Combat Human Trafficking

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OVC and the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) will make awards to support law enforcement and victim service provider efforts within human trafficking task forces under the following purpose areas (PAs). PA 1: Funding is intended to help task forces with critical first steps related to starting up a multidisciplinary task force. PA 2: Eligible applicants are task forces that were funded in FY15 under PA 1 of the Enhanced Collaborative Model Task Force Program. The FY18 PA 2 supports continued activities and planning for task force sustainability.

OVC FY 2018 Linking Systems of Care for Children and Youth Training and Technical Assistance

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This solicitation will fund one organization to provide comprehensive training and technical assistance (TTA) to support state-level demonstration projects funded under OVC’s Linking Systems of Care for Children and Youth (LSC) Demonstration Initiative. The LSC approach seeks to ensure every child entering various systems is assessed for victimization; that children and their families are provided comprehensive and coordinated services to fully address their needs; and that practices and policies are established to sustain this approach long term.

OVC Transfer DCR-BJA FY 18 Enhanced Collaborative Model to Combat Human Trafficking Program

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The purpose of the Enhanced Collaborative Model to Combat Human Trafficking Program is to support the development and enhancement of multidisciplinary human trafficking task forces that implement collaborative approaches to combating all forms of human trafficking within the United States' sex trafficking and labor trafficking of foreign nationals and U.S. citizens (of all sexes and ages).

OVC FY 2018 Building State Technology Capacity

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OVC seeks ambitious yet viable proposals from Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Formula State Administrating Agencies (SAAs) or outside organizations who partner with existing SAAs to implement visionary statewide technology programs to enhance victims’ access to services, foster innovation and efficiency in the provision of services, improve the quality of services, and improve the accessibility and responsiveness of victim service organizations. OVC expects to make an unspecified number of awards of up to $750,000 with an estimated total amount awarded of up to $7 million.

OVC FY 2018 Advancing Hospital-Based Victim Services

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In an effort to expand the use of hospitals and other medical facilities as an entry point to increase support for victims of crime, improve their outcomes, and prevent chances for repeat victimization, this solicitation will fund up to eight demonstration sites to implement or expand hospital-based/affiliated programs to support crime victims using evidence-based models and practices with victim-centered approaches (Purpose Area 1).

OVC FY 2018 Law Enforcement-Based Direct Victim Services and TA Program

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OVC is seeking applications in two purpose areas. Purpose Area 1 (PA 1) supports direct victim assistance service grants to state, tribal, and local law enforcement in small, mid-sized, and large jurisdictions, to hire victim service staff to develop new, or enhance existing, law enforcement-based victim service programs and partnerships in high-crime areas to improve rights and services for victims. Purpose Area 2 (PA 2) will support a technical assistance program to help build the capacity of the PA 1 sites to better serve all victims of crime.

OVC FY 2018 Initiative to Enhance Crime Victims' Rights Enforcement and Victim Access to Legal Assistance

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This initiative is intended to expand on federal, state, local, and tribal efforts to enforce crime victims’ rights. One managing training and technical assistance (TTA) provider will be selected under this initiative, which, in turn, will competitively select up to six subgrantee clinics. OVC expects to make one award totaling $6.9 million to the managing TTA provider for a 3-year award period, beginning on October 1, 2018.

OVC FY 2018 Vision 21: Advancing the Use of Technology to Assist Victims of Crime

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This program will provide project funding to eligible nonprofit organizations that propose to develop, use, and strategize the use of technology in innovative ways to interact directly with crime victims and provide information, referral, crisis assistance, and longer term help. Through this solicitation, OVC seeks to support organizations which demonstrate innovative strategies to create, expand, or enhance the use of technology initiatives on a national or nationally replicable scale to improve response, services, and access for victims of crime.

OVC FY 2018 Specialized Human Trafficking Training and Technical Assistance

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Revised 6/1/18. Successful applicants for this solicitation will provide specialized training and technical assistance to service providers and court personnel in one of three purpose areas (PAs): PA 1: comprehensive legal services, PA 2: trauma-informed responses and services, and PA 3: increased identification, referrals, and assistance of human trafficking in court settings. OVC expects to make up to three awards (one per purpose area) of up to $900,000 each, with an estimated total amount awarded of up to $2.7 million.

OVC FY 2018 Specialized Services for Victims of Human Trafficking

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Revised 6/1/18. The purpose of this program is to enhance the quality and quantity of specialized services available to assist victims of human trafficking, as defined by the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, as amended. OVC is interested in supporting programs that focus on one or more of these priority areas: 1) housing services, 2) economic and leadership empowerment and/or education services, 3) mental health services, 4) substance abuse services, and 5) legal services.

OVC FY 2018 National Joint Training Conference for VOCA Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation Administrators (2019 - 2021)

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The successful applicant will support the 2019 and 2021 VOCA National Training Conferences and the 2020 regional training conferences for State VOCA Victim Assistance and Compensation Administrators and their staff. The conferences are intended to provide training and technical assistance and facilitate an opportunity for the presentation of state issues and practices through lectures, panels, workshops, and forums. OVC expects to make one award of up to $600,000 total ($200,000 per year), for a 3-year period of performance, beginning October 1, 2018. Apply by June 26, 2018.

OVC FY 2018 Comprehensive Services for Victims of All Forms of Human Trafficking

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Revised 6/1/18. OVC is seeking applicants to enhance the quality and quantity of services available to assist victims of human trafficking, as defined by the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, as amended. Purpose Area 1 will fund victim service providers with a demonstrated history of providing comprehensive services to victims of human trafficking. Purpose Area 2 will fund victim service providers with a demonstrated history of providing comprehensive services to a sustained caseload of a large number of victims of human trafficking.

OVC FY 2018 2019 National Crime Victims' Rights Week Community Awareness Projects

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The successful applicant for this solicitation will provide financial and technical assistance to approximately 90 communities nationwide to conduct public education and awareness activities on crime victims’ rights and services in their jurisdictions during the 2019 National Crime Victims' Rights Week observance. OVC expects to make one award of up to $600,000, for a 12-month period of performance, to begin on October 1, 2018. Apply by June 18, 2018.

OVC FY 2018 Discretionary Training and Technical Assistance Program for VOCA Victim Assistance Grantees

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The purpose of this solicitation is to fund VOCA Victim Assistance Program state administering agencies (SAAs) or outside organizations who partner with existing SAAs to provide training within the applicant's state. Activities funded through this program may include, but are not limited to, the establishment or enhancement of state victim assistance academies, statewide training initiatives, crime victim-related conferences, basic training for new programs, or scholarships to attend conferences and/or training for service providers and others who work with victims of crime.

OVC FY 2018 American Indian/Alaska Native Training and Technical Assistance Program

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Through this funding opportunity, OVC seeks to provide resources and coordination to increase American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) tribal communities’ ability to provide comprehensive and culturally appropriate services to crime victims, their families, and the community. OVC anticipates making up to two awards of up to $1.5 million each for an estimated total of $3 million for a 3-year project period. Successful applicants will assist OVC in supporting the TTA needs of AI/AN communities that receive grant funds from OVC. Apply by May 31, 2018.

OVC FY 2018 VOCA Victim Assistance

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OVC will award each eligible state victim assistance program an annual grant to support eligible crime victim assistance programs in that state or territory. Funds under this program shall be used by states and territories to support eligible crime victim assistance programs that provide direct services to crime victims with the following exception: states and territories may retain up to 5 percent of their total grant for administrative and training purposes. Apply by May 30, 2018.

OVC FY 2018 2019 National Crime Victims' Rights Week Resource Guide

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OVC is seeking applicants to support the development of a comprehensive Resource Guide for use by the victim services field when planning for local National Crime Victims’ Rights Week (NCVRW) events across the nation in April 2019, and throughout the year. Furthermore, the successful applicant will develop and produce a complementary theme video to use in 2019 and begin preparations for the 2020 NCVRW theme narrative. OVC anticipates making one award of up to $400,000. OVC expects to make the award for an 18-month period of performance, to begin on October 1, 2018. Apply by May 30, 2018

OVC FY 2018 VOCA Victim Compensation

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OVC will award each eligible state victim compensation program an annual grant equal to 60 percent of the amount the program awarded in state-funded victim compensation payments during the fiscal year two years prior to the present fiscal year, other than amounts awarded for property damage. The primary purpose of these grants is to supplement state efforts to provide financial compensation to crime victims throughout the Nation for costs resulting from crime, and to encourage victim cooperation and participation in the criminal justice system.

OVC FY 17 Antiterrorism and Emergency Assistance Program (AEAP) for Crime Victim Compensation and Assistance

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The Antiterrorism and Emergency Assistance Program (AEAP) is a mechanism by which the Director of OVC may award supplemental crime victim compensation and assistance to respond to an act of terrorism or mass criminal violence. The criminal act has to be of sufficient magnitude that it overwhelms the affected jurisdiction's or program's ability to respond to the event. This is a restricted solicitation because the program is intended to respond to specific cases of terrorism and mass violence. Only after OVC has consulted with an eligible organization can an application be submitted.

OVC FY 17 Vision 21: Integrated Services for Victims Program: Increasing Access to Mental Health Services for Victims of Crime

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OVC seeks to bridge the divide between crime victims, victim service providers, and mental health service providers so communities are able to create a seamless network of services to assist victims. OVC anticipates making awards under five purpose areas (PAs). PA 1 aids victim services providers properly identify crime victims who may be exhibiting signs of suicidality, refer them to mental health services, and support their access to such services.