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Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Administrators

© Gary Blakeley/ (ver política de reutilización).

Victim Compensation Performance Measures

All recipients and subrecipients of OVC formula funding are required to collect and report performance measures data that demonstrate how they are accomplishing the goals and objectives of the VOCA Victim Compensation formula grant programs.

The accuracy and timeliness of reporting data is extremely important. Data reported by grantees allows OVC to—

  • demonstrate the value and specific benefits of the program to government agencies, the victim services field, the public, and other stakeholders;
  • generate an annual report on the program to demonstrate outputs of grant funds; and
  • emphasize progress made toward achievement of OVC’s strategic and program goals.

Victim Compensation Performance Measures collect data on the number of applications received, approved, and denied; types of crimes and victimizations associated with those applications; and amount of expenses paid. Victim Compensation grantees should report data on all state compensation payments, including payments made with state and federal funds.

At the end of each federal fiscal year, grantees respond to narrative questions on issues such as their education, coordination, and outreach activities; policy changes; and emerging issues and notable trends.

Victim Compensation - Writing a Comprehensive Annual Report
This OVC webinar provides guidance for VOCA Victim Compensation Grantees on how to use the performance measure data entered into the Performance Measurement Tool (PMT) to inform the annual report.

During the webinar, members of the OVC’s performance measurement team provide information on the annual reporting questions and explore each question and what responses should entail.

The team also highlights how a clear and concise annual report can tell the story of the qualitative data and the grant activities completed by grantees.

Victim Compensation Performance Measurement Tool User Guide for Grantees
This guide assists VOCA Victim Compensation grantees in completing and submitting accurate performance measures data in the OVC PMT.

Award recipients are required to provide relevant data by submitting quarterly performance measures through OVC’s online Performance Measurement Tool (PMT). Grantees and should view the Victim Compensation PMT fact sheet for information about accessing PMT accounts, resetting passwords, and the function of some of the PMT pages.

Grantees enter performance measures data quarterly via the PMT. Every December, grantees must create an annual report from the PMT to upload into the Justice Grants System (JustGrants). During the nonsubmission periods, grantees are encouraged to create a report from the PMT for their own records.

Performance Measure Dictionary and Terminology Resource
This resource provides definitions for terms used across OVC performance measures and includes terms related to demographics and types of victimizations, victim services, and victim compensation expense.

Center for Victim Research Victim Services Performance Measure Data Visualization Tool
Data collection and visualization tool for VOCA Victim Services performance measures.

Next: Transforming Victim Services Performance Measures